The Eyes Have It | Ruskin Bond | A Silent Love Story In English | Love Story

The Eyes Have It | Ruskin Bond | A Silent Love Story In English | Love Story

 The Eyes Have It

 Ruskin Bond

     I had the train compartment to myself up to Rohana, then a girl got in. The -couple who saw her off were probably her parents; they seemed very about her comfort, and the woman gave the girl detailed instructions as to where to keep her things, when not to lean out of windows, and how to avoid speaking anxious to strangers. 

    They called their goodbyes and the train pulled out of the station. As I was totally blind at the time, my eyes sensitive only to light and darkness, I was unable to tell what the girl looked like; but I knew she wore slippers from the way they slapped against her heels.

    It would take me some time to discover something about her looks, and perhaps I never would. But I liked the sound of her voice, and even the sound of her slippers. 

   "Are you going all the way to Dehra?" I asked. 

    Imust have been sitting in a dark corner, because my voice startled her. She gave a little exclamation and said, "I didn't know anyone else was here." 

     Well, it often happens that people with good eyesight fail to see what is right in front of them. They have too much to take in, I suppose. Whereas people who cannot see (or see very little) have to take in only the essentials, whatever registers most tellingly on their remaining senses. 

    "I didn't see you either," I said. "But I heard you come in," 

     I wondered if I would be able to prevent her from discovering that I was blind. Provided I keep to my seat, I thought, it shouldn't be too difficult. 

    The girl said, "I'm getting off at Saharanpur. My aunt is meeting me there."

    "Then I had better not get too familiar," I replied. "Aunts are usually formidable creatures."

     "Where are you going?" she asked.

     "To Dehra, and then to Mussoorie." 

     "Oh, how lucky you are. I wish I were going to Mussoorie. I love the hills. Especially in October." 

     "Yes, this is the best time," I said, calling on my memories. "The hills are covered with wild dahlias, the sun is delicious, and at night you can sit in front of a logfire and drink a little brandy. Most of the tourists have gone, and the roads are quiet and almost deserted. Yes, October is the best time."

     She was silent. I wondered if my words had touched her, or whether she thought me a romantic fool. Then I made a mistake.

     "What is it like outside?" I asked. 

    She seemed to find nothing strange in the question. Had she noticed already that I could not see? But her next question removed my doubts.

     "Why don't you look out of the window?" she asked. 

    I moved easily along the berth and felt for the window ledge. The window was open, and I faced it, making a pretence of studying the landscape. I heard the panting of the engine, the rumble of the wheels, and, in my mind's eye, could see telegraph posts flashing by. 

     "Have you noticed," I ventured, "that the trees seem to be moving while we seem to be standing still?"

     "That always happens," she said. "Do you see any animals?"

     "No."I answered quite confidently. I knew that there were hardly any animals left in the forests near Dehra.

     I turned from the window and faced the girl, and for a while we sat in silence.

    "You have an interesting face," I remarked. I was becoming quite daring, hut it was a safe remark. Few girls can resist flattery. She laughed pleasantly-a clear, ringing laugh.

    "It's nice to be told Ihave an interesting face. I'm tired of people telling me I have a pretty face." 

    Oh, so you do have a pretty face, thought I-and aloud I said: "Well, an interesting face can also be pretty."

     "You are a very gallant young man," she said, "but why are you so serious?"

     I thought, then, I would try to laugh for her, but the thought of laughter only made me feel troubled and lonely. 

    "We'll soon be at your station," I said.

    "Thank goodness it's a short journey. I can't bear to sit in a train for more than two-or-three hours." 

    Yet I was prepared to sit there for almost any length of time, just to listen to her talking. Her voice had the sparkle of a mountain stream. As soon as she left the train, she would forget our brief encounter: but it would stay with me for the rest of the journey, and for some time after. 

    The engine's whistle shrieked, the carriage wheels changed their sound and rhythm, the girl got up and began to collect her things. I wondered if she wore her hair in bun, or if it was plaited; perhaps it was hanging loose over her shoulders, or was it cut very short? 

    The train drew slowly into the station. Outside, there was the shouting of porters and vendors and a high-pitched female voice near the carriage door; that voice must have belonged to the girl's aunt. 

    "Goodbye," the girl said.

     She was standing very close to me, so close that the perfume from her hair was tantalising. I wanted to raise my hand and touch her hair, but she moved away. Only the scent of perfume still lingered where she had stood. 

   There was some confusion in the doorway. A man, getting into the compartment, stammered an apology. Then the door banged, and the world was shut out again. I returned to my berth. The guard blew his whistle and we moved off. Once again, I had a game to play and a new fellow-traveller. 

    The train gathered speed, the wheels took up their song, the carriage groaned and shook. I found the window and sat in front of it, staring into the daylight that was darkness for me.

    So many things were happening outside the window: it could be a fascinating game, guessing what went on out there. 

    The man who had entered the compartment broke into my reverie.

    "You must be disappointed," he said. "I'm not nearly as attractive a travelling companion as the one who just left."

    "She was an interesting girl," I said. "Can you tell me-did she keep her hair long or short?" 

    "Idon't remember," he said, sounding puzzled. "It was her eyes I noticed, not her hair. She had beautiful eyes-but they were of no use to her. She was completely blind. Didn't you notice?"


Love Story :-This love story written by Ruskin Bond. Story name, The Eyes Have It". We are collected this type love story like love at first sight, school love story, silent love, romantic love story, sad love story etc in english. If you want to  published your poem or story. Then contact me, my email  id ,".You get more love story on english in our website. And I think  all love story will take place in your mind.So please share this story to your friends and I sure they will also get happiness from this lobve story. Thank you so much.

Report Positive | Best story in english | English story

Report Positive | Best story in english | English story

 ● Report ‘Positive’ 

     It's ten o'clock this morning.  I am sitting at home having breakfast.  Sudden calling bell. I opened the door and saw the quiet of the flat next door.  They rent the flat next to me  He and his wife live in Kanka.  Two very friendly people.  They also do a lot of my work

    So he said calmly - Uncle, will you give me the car key?  I will be back in half an hour  I gave.  Within half an hour he came back calm.  Two eyes filled with tears.

    He hugged me for a while.  Then he left with the key.

   I know why I was shocked.  I followed him.  I heard Kanka crying and saying - Report positive.

   How I became!  I was very angry  I entered the flat, went to the bathroom and took a full bath with Dettol soap for a long time.  Pushing the door, the wife said - why have you been bathing for so long?  Does not cause fever?

   Berolam with the water pipe.  I washed the car with a bottle of Dettol water.  I was so scared that I forgot my father's name.

   Before entering the house, I rang the bell of the callers.  I told Shant to come out - you have no sense?  I am seventy years old.  Your aunt is also a senior citizen, did you hug me even though the report was positive?

   He smiled calmly.  Said - Uncle misunderstood, Kankar pregnancy report positive 6  I didn't tell you then that I would give the news to him first.  Go and see you later.  I came with the news to my aunt

   Nowadays, if you hear positive, I don't think so  We have almost forgotten that happiness can be positive.

  ■ Now the fever does not come because of the cold!


Thank You So Much

"The goddesses do not come back again and again" English Love Story | Sad Love story In English

 "The goddesses do not come back again and again" English Love Story | Sad Love story In English

 The goddesses do not come back again and again

    At three o'clock in the night, Tanisha wanted to eat khichuri and coke.  I cooked khichuri and coke with my own hands that night and appeared in front of Tanisha's house.  Tanisha cried when she saw my madness.  Said, "You're my crazy boyfriend."

  Tanisha has sent some pictures of blue bangles in the inbox.  "Rahul, I will show you one day after wearing many blue bangles".  The next afternoon I sent a basket of blue bangles through her sister Tasfia.  I gave a small note with, "Tanisha you are like a goddess in a blue sari and blue bangles"

  It was Tanisha's birthday.  Nineteenth birthday.  I am in front of his house at twelve.  I called at exactly twelve and said, Tanisha, come in front of the gate.  He came and saw me standing with a garland of nineteen roses.  "Happy Birthday Goddess".  After returning home, Tanisha's text "Rahul you are a symbol of love"

We are married now.

The age of marriage is about a year.

  At four o'clock at night Tanisha is crying with her head on the pillow.  The sound of crying woke me up.  I asked with sleepy eyes, why are you crying so many nights without sleeping!  What's wrong with you again?  Tanisha said in a wet voice, "Ruhul, that night, the night you stood at our gate with a garland of nineteen roses, yet, you didn't do the slightest whistle!"

  Everyone in our house is going to Rabbi's wedding.  Tanisha came and stood next to my bike wearing a yellow sari.  I said, you go in the car with everyone, my friend Rabbi will go with me.  Tanisha went back saying she was fine.  Later I found out that Tanisha did not come to the wedding due to stomach ache.  I realized he wasn't angry with me.

  I attended Rabbi's birthday party.  I'm having a lot of fun  Tanisha is calling repeatedly.  Even after cutting a few times, he is still calling.  The text said, "Please return home a little faster today Ruhul".  I replied to Tanisha, "You go to sleep, I will not return home today, I am chatting with everyone."

  I returned home the next morning.  Tanisha is not at home.  On the wall is a large piece of paper with the words, "Happy Anniversary."  The blue saree is lying on the bed.  Spread those blue bangles on the sari.  A note on the pillow, "Where small feelings cry out for negligence, the world is meaningless."

  I called Tanisha.  He hung up the phone and texted, "I want it with all my heart, I want to be deprived and save it."

  About three months passed.  Life without tension is like a dried up river, which has spots, no water.

  The goddesses do not come back to life again and again.
  Tanisha never came back to my senseless world.
