Eric Weihenmayer Success Story | Best Powerfull Motivational Success Story In English | Inspirational Stories Of Success

Eric Weihenmayer Success Story | Best Powerfull Motivational Success Story In English |  Inspirational Stories Of Success
Success story :- This success story written by Jayanti Chakrabarti.English translate by Pallab Mondal.Eric Weihenmayer biography in english.This story revolves around Eric Weihenmayer.Eric Weihenmayar Life Story in english.We are collected this type success story like biography that revive your lost mind.You get more success story on english in our website. And I think  all success story will take place in your mind.So please share this story to your friends and I sure they will also benefit from this success story.Thank you so much.   

Eric Weihenmayer

    Not a very familiar name.  But Eric Weihenmayer's name must have been written in the first row in the history of the impossibility of man by force of will alone.

    Eric lost his sight at the age of thirteen while attending an elementary school in New Jersey.  He is not born blind.  After enjoying this glittering, joyful world for 13 years, after enjoying it, all of a sudden it disappeared from his eyes.  Extreme frustration and sadness filled his life.

   Friends of the same age used to play on the field shouting.  There is a lot to do here and there.  I used to study. Tells school stories back from school.  The story of a variety of different experiences.

   Eric just sat quietly and listened.  There was no story in his life.  There was just a hard, ruthless present hanging in the dark.

   Eric would sit and think about how to get rid of this screen.  When Lake shows mercy to him, he shows kindness and says Aha Ray!  Poor blind!  Then he was most sad.  Seems the most insulting.  Yourself.  He does not want to be the object of mercy.  Want to stand on your own two feet in everyone's opinion.  To live a normal life.

   Unruly boy forgets everything and runs away to play with friends.  Friends showed compassion and sat him down on the side of the field.  Someone scatters or arrows of ridicule.

   One day stubbornness was suppressed in my mind.  They have to show.  Everyone.  Whether blind or not, he can do whatever they want.  Even what they can't do, they have to do.  Disabled means disabled, useless, a vessel of kindness or ridicule — this is the idea that people need to change.

   Eric loved sports.  But after losing his sight, no one takes him in the game.  Hayek alone, the game does not go!  So I started to think that there is a game that can be played by itself, alone!  Mountaineering was remembered till the end.  Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world, was read in school books as a child.  Eric thinks that conquering this highest peak is not an easy task.  Several people in the world have accomplished this impossible, but they were all perfect human beings.  According to Eric, if the disabled can overcome this formidable peak, it will be a wonder!

   The mockery of the friends and the sympathy should be answered accordingly.  Eric got up and started practicing.

   Admitted to a mountaineering school near home.  After years of continuous practice, Eric memorized all the ups and downs of the mountain.  How to walk on ice-covered peaks, how to tie ropes around each other's waists, how to throw a rope tied to the top of a rope, it gets stuck in the hard ice crevices  Gail Eric, as a result of devoted practice.

   In the Mahabharata, Mahavira Arjuna used to aim arrows and bows on the nights of the dense dark new moon without the moon and stars to practice accurate aiming.

   Eric's habit was a lot like that.  After graduating in 2001, Eric set out on a European expedition.  In front of his blind eyes, he was just a skyscraper, a snow-capped Everest.

   Finally the dream came true.  His name became immortal as the world's first blind Everest conqueror.  Eric WiehenMayer conveyed the message not only to his classmates or relatives, but to the whole world that there is no word for disability in today's world.

   If a person continues to practice with utmost sincerity, if he wants to get something in a determined way, then he can overcome any obstacle in any corner of the world.

    ‘Mukong karatei bachalong pangung langhyayate giri.

   Patience and perseverance overcome mountains.


Bernard Palissy Success Story | Best Powerful Motivational Success Story In English | Inspirationa Stories Of Success

Success story :- This success story written by Jayanti Chakrabarti.English translate by Pallab Mondal.Bernard Palissy Biography In English.This story revolves around Bernard Palissy.Bernard Palissy Life Story in english.We are collected this type success story that revive your lost mind.You get more success story on english in our website. And I think  all success story will take place in your mind.So please share this story to your friends and I sure they will also benefit from this success story.Thank you so much.

 Bernard Palissy

  Bernard Palissy was born in a village in France. The man was a man of amateur artist mind, just like the French in general. He used to spend his whole day painting, painting and enjoying himself. Sometimes I had to go here and there for survey work. That was actually his job. And painting, glass painting were all addictive. Policy spent more time on drugs than on his profession.

 One day while going to a survey work, Palisi saw an earthen cup, which is called a cup in today's English language. Palissy was absolutely surprised to see the cup. The thing was nice polished enamel work on what would happen if it was made of ordinary clay. Definitely made in a country on the outside corner of France. Only Italian lakes know the secret of making such wonderful dishes. But for fear of losing their business, they carefully concealed the theory.

 Palissy vowed in his heart that he would not leave without making such dishes. Such promises work. There is no day, no night. The only thought in the mind of the policy is to make fancy shiny earthenware.

 He has built a huge oven in the backyard of the house and has been melting the soil and broken stone powder in that oven all day long. He did not learn anything by himself. I don't have any experience in pottery business. Realizing the opportunity, the assistants began to cheat him with a lot of money. Palisi's wife and others in the family were also upset by this bizarre madness. But there is no frown in the corner of the policy. Sitting in a coil of smoke beside the oven all day, he is experimenting with one thing after another in his mind — exactly what he mixes will make the molten substance shiny polish exactly as he wants.

 After 2 years of hard work, a spice was found. Palisade made three earthen cups, coated them with spices, and burned them in the furnace of a merchant 6 miles away. The cups burned for several days. After extinguishing the flame of the furnace, it was seen that only one of the cups was polished. Excellent white polish. Palissy became happy. This time he felt that the fire did not spread evenly everywhere due to the fault of the reactor. So only one cup is polished.

 With this in mind, Palissy built a furnace in his own home garden. He made a reactor policy for himself, such as a pot or a large reactor for the potters to carry pots and pans. He bought bricks from brick paza and carried them on his head. Then brick after brick was arranged and the furnace was made in imitation of the potters. This time he made only one hundred earthen cups and applied spices on it and burned it in the furnace. Policy sat next to the furnace with eager interest.

 But the spice does not want to melt. One day, two days, six days and six nights passed. The fire in the furnace went out. But the cups remained as they were.

 Policy, however, did not give up. He found new wood in the furnace. No boat, no food, the policy has been burning wood all day in the blazing fire.

 Gradually all the wood ran out. Palissy then broke the wooden fence of the garden and continued into the fire. When he finished, all the chairs and tables that he found in front of him broke down and started burning in the fire. Meanwhile, there were tears in the house.

 Palissy's wife, holding the children's hand, left the house and ran out into the street, calling out to Lajjan and telling him that her husband had gone mad. Burning all the vandalism of the house. Curious, Lake rushed to Palisade's house to see what was going on.

 But when he went to Palissy's garden and saw the matter, everyone's eyes were wide open. By then the flames of the policy reactor had gone out. And he is carefully removing the cups one by one from the inside of the hot furnace and matching them to the cold air. Each cup then has a nice white polish on it. Seeing is not going to turn a blind eye.

 Palissy was rewarded for his hard work and inhuman work.

 His enthusiasm grew in Ara. He decided to polish and burn a lot of utensils in this way. Lake will easily like beautiful things. There will be a lot of profit in his business. But the task was not easy. With a potter, Palissy made a number of dishes of his own choice. But after being put in the furnace, the furnace burst due to the heat of the fire and the ink stains fell on the utensils and they became very awkward.

 This time too, the policy did not lose patience. He did not give up. With absolute patience he repaired the furnace again. Then he broke the utensils and made new utensils again.

 But alas! Again, whoever did not put them in the furnace and started a fire, the furnace burst again. It continued like this again and again.

 But the policy did not give up at all. When Lake sees him, he gets mad. The wife did not even approach his son. Even in that condition, Raed used to sit in the garden all day and do his work even in the rain. After pursuing such a pursuit for sixty years in a row, the policy finally succeeded. The King of France was pleased and presented him with various awards and honors. Victory is patience, devotion and indefatigable perseverance.

 Do not give way, hold tight. It is when everything seems lost that all is saved.

 - The Mother

Charles Dickens Success Story | Powerful Motivational Success Story In English | English Success Story | Inspirational Stories Of Success

Success story :- This success story written by Jayanti Chakrabarti.English translate by Pallab Mondal.Charles Dickens biography.This story revolves around Charles Dickens.Charles Dickens Life Story in english.We are collected this type success story that revive your lost mind.You get more success story on english in our website. And I think  all success story will take place in your mind.So please share this story to your friends and I sure they will also benefit from this success story.Thank you so much. 

Charles Dickens

      Adversity causes some men to break, others to break record.

     This proverb about the world-famous English writer Charles Dickens is very true.  In the face of adversity or obstacles, some people break and some people break all records.

    Truly Charles Dickens began life in great misery and ended up sitting on the throne of England's most popular novelist, breaking all records.

    Here he came to the pinnacle of success one day while trying to find a way out of suffering and  suffering.

    Dickens was born on February 8, 1812, in Portsmouth, England.  Father John Dickens worked as a little clerk in the naval department.  Many children from poor families.  So there was a constant shortage of people. People were forced to take loans, there was a time when people had no power to repay loans.  He had to go to jail for debt.

    Dickens was only twelve years old then.  As the only member of the family in Rajgarh went to jail, the twelve-year-old boy had to come forward to take the helm of the family.  Leaving school tools, Dickens went to work as a child laborer in a factory.  His salary was 1 ceiling per day.  With this money, it may be possible to get some money, but it is not possible to get a loan.  So Dickens did not return to school.

    However, he was relieved from the job of breaking the bones of the factory.  After three years, he got a job as an office boy in a lawyer's office.  Dickens was only fifteen years old then.  At this age, he has a lot of experience.  The dark side of life, the tortured life of child laborers, how the profiteering devils grab six children and throw them away in the dark life, committing thefts, robberies, robberies, murders, etc. with them - all these things are known to him.  Dickens wrote his memorable novels, such as Oliver Twist and Nicholas Nicolby, in memory of all these experiences in later life.

    However, Charles Dickens was promoted to clerk while working as a boy in a lawyer's office.  Earnings increased slightly.

   Charles Dickens continued to build himself by reading books in his spare time.  This constant self-construction, day after day, this pursuit paved the way for his fulfillment.  Shortly afterwards, Charles was promoted to the position of court reporter.

   But the patriarchal debt still hangs over his head like a huge mountain.

   He has already started writing in newspapers.  The diverse experience of life is the spice of his writing.  Charles saw that writing costs a lot of money.  If the writing goes well outside the job, then maybe one day the huge mountain of patriarchal debt can be taken down from the neck.

   With a firm promise, Charles Dickens grabbed the pen.  He wrote novels one after the other, capitalizing on various experiences, not only for a great purpose in a big corner, but also in the dream of patriarchy.  After working in the office all day and writing at night.  One day while writing, he saw that all the debts of his father had been paid off.  And Charles Dickens, a world-famous novelist, has become a bestseller.

    Adversity causes some men to break, others to break records

.-- William A Ward

Masdur Rahman Baidya Success Story | Best Powerful Motivational Success Story In English | Inspirational Stories Of Success

Success story :- This success story written by Jayanti Chakrabarti.English translate by Pallab Mondal.Masdur Rahman Baidya biography.This story revolves around Masdur Rahman Baidya.Masdur Rahman Baidya Life Story in english.We are collected this type success story that revive your lost mind.You get more success story on english in our website. And I think  all success story will take place in your mind.So please share this story to your friends and I sure they will also benefit from this success story.Thank you so much.

 Masdur Rahman

    A wagon is speeding along the steel-bound line, making the sound of ghat ghatang ghat ghatang.  The boy was sitting quietly on a branch of a tree looking at it with a fixed gaze.  Jhakra trees right next to the railway line.  As soon as the car comes close to the tree, it will jump on the roof of the car.  Then you have to come down to the school and take another jump.  This was his plan.  Son of Paragaon.  Stay away from the fear of jumping.

    The boy's school is about 2 km away.  It takes about half an hour to travel every day.  But it was too late to leave the house that day.  So the boy nodded and came up with an idea.  No worries if you can sit on the roof of the wagon once.  You can easily reach 2 km in five minutes.  Time will be saved, there will be no reprimand in school.  Gradually the wagon came very close.  The boy immediately jumped on the roof.  But not being able to keep pace with the speed of the moving vehicle, his foot slipped on the line.  One by one, the wheels of the loaded truck rolled over on its two legs.  After being taken to the hospital, both legs had to be surgically removed from the knee.  The boy became crippled at birth.

    Lame lame boy of poor house.  Everyone said in unison that he would have to beg for the rest of his life.  Yes, by begging because this is how millions of disabled people in India are forced to feed themselves.

   But no. This hero of our story did not want to accept this unseen future at all.  I promised to build a healthy, normal, dignified life, not begging.  Today people all over the world look at him in amazement, in his name.  Cheers.  The victory flag of his country has flown in the heart of the world, that lame-faced country boy of that day.

    You must have recognized the boy by now?  Yes.  Masdur once pointed out to the world that strong will and deep self-confidence are not obstacles in any corner of the world.

    Masdur Rahman Vaidya, when he lost both his legs in an accident as a child, his whole family, including his parents, broke down in despair.  But Masdur himself did not give up.  I think the stubbornness was suppressed.  You have to live healthy, you have to walk normally.  When Lake looks at him with a look of pity, ahare!  Poor lame!  Bale used to show compassion or
When science was piercing the arrow, he felt unlucky to grow up at any time.  The arrogant hand to God for doing this injustice to him.  The world wants to end itself at some point in the subconscious mind.

    At such a time one day Masdur met a man.  He also lost two legs.  Yet he is not a beggar.  Not at the mercy of others.  With his wife and three daughters, he is the sole breadwinner of the family and he is the breadwinner of this large family.  According to five other healthy citizens of the society, he has a respectable normal life.

    Seeing such vivid examples in front of his own eyes, Masdur became excited with new inspiration.  He went to Pune and applied alternative legs.  He dropped the crutch and stood on his feet.  He raised his hands towards the sky and said I can do it, we can do it - we can do it too.  It is very painful at first to try to adapt a fake limb to one's own body.  You have to endure this pain and walk.  Walking little by little, the prosthetic leg became easier with the real foot.

    The same happened in the case of Masdur.  After a lot of pain and practice the alternative leg is properly attached to the body.  And from then on, Masdur Rahman Vaidya's world conquest procession started.

    He loved to play sports from a young age.  After recovering, he started naming small sports competitions.  It was as if he had thrown a difficult challenge at himself.  Let's see if I can, why I can't - I have to.  With this difficult prison, the fake-legged man gave the service to sports fourTinnerst in Barasara.  He won 16 of the 17 events, four of which were swimming events.  On that day, standing on the Victory stamp, in front of the applause of hundreds of spectators, while accepting the award, Masdur made a solemn promise in his mind - swimming, only swimming will be his weapon from now on.  He has to cross the English Channel with this fake leg.  We have to show the people of the world that disability does not mean mercy or hatred.  They can also snatch the honor of the best, they can wear the crown of the winner on their head.

    The beginning is to practice hard as well as try to get sponsors.  We still have to wait for sponsors to go abroad for sports in this unfortunate country.  Leave Shike to someone's fate, don't leave it to anyone's fate.  His talent falls in the bud.

     However, Masdur Rahman's fortunes were somewhat better.  He crossed the English Channel in 1997.  Earlier, in his opinion, he could not cross this dangerous sea canal with a disability.  In 2001, Masdur was crowned with a brilliant feather.  The 32-year-old swam across the Gibraltar Strait in just 4 hours and 20 minutes.  Before that, the swimmer could not get the rare achievement of losing two legs in any other corner of the world.

     At present a film is going to be made about Masdur Rahman.  Under the direction of Director Khaekon Chakraborty.  Name hope.  Masdur Rahman himself is playing the lead role.  The underlying message of this film is that the physically challenged are not a burden to the society and family, but they can prove themselves with a little help or respect.

    The story of this movie shows a woman who has been so oppressed in the society and family for giving birth to a disabled child that she is about to commit suicide in grief and despair.  Masdur Rahman will finally stop her from committing suicide and will also show her disabled child the way to a beautiful life.

   Despite playing the central character of Masdur, Kona is not getting paid for this film.  After watching the movie 'Black' starring Amitabh Bachchan, he felt that such pictures need to be made more and more.  So even in the midst of a thousand engagements, he has taken the time to act.  He is going to present the fairy tale of his impeccable life in front of millions of viewers.  For the purpose of spreading the mantra of Sanjivani without giving up in the hearts of millions of hopeless people.

    A successful man is he who can lay firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him.

Bithofen Success Story | Best Powerful Motivational Success Story In English | Inspirational Stories Of Success

Success story :- This success story written by Jayanti Chakrabarti.English translate by Pallab Mondal.Bithofen biography.This story revolves around Bithofen.Bithofen Life Story in english.We are collected this type success story that revive your lost mind.You get more success story on english in our website. And I think  all success story will take place in your mind.So please share this story to your friends and I sure they will also benefit from this success story.Thank you so much.  


    The people of the world know him as the greatest composer of all time. Old name Ladwig von Bithofen. Thousands of spectators would be mesmerized by the sound of his piano for hours on end. Even today, his symphony is an invaluable asset to any musician in any part of the world. That melody is an indescribable experience.

    But can you think? The irony of fate is that Bithofen, whose melody fascinates the whole world, has never heard of the best music he has ever composed. Because before that he was completely deaf. But he did not give up. Did not bow to the cruel fate. Rather, Aarey was immersed in the pursuit of music with devotion, Aarey concentration.

    Beethoven was born in 180 in Germany. The musician's father has chalk in his hand. From the age of only 2/3 years, I used to see my father playing the piano day and night. He used to run his fingers on the chest of the piano as he was playing. And while doing so, a pukka artist became a bithofen without everyone's knowledge. At the age of only ten, his fame spread all over the country.

    Suddenly the mother died. Dad sent him to Bering School. One day at that school, Beethoven met the famous composer Jesse Hayden. Jashef was surprised to hear Beethoven playing.

    Beethoven then moved to Vienna on the advice of Jaishef. Vienna is the cradle of music. Surprisingly, all the chimpanzees started composing one after the other with the help of Jaishef. There is no shortage of admirers in Vienna. Thousands of listeners sat in fascination for hours after buying tickets. Is it possible to get out of the hands of a boy who has heard these chimpanzees or melodies and thinks silently in amazement?

    Suddenly bad luck descended on Ela Bithofen's life. Bithofen could not even dream of such misfortune. While composing the Fifth and Sixth Symphony, he realized that little by little he was becoming deaf. It is as if everything he is playing is not reaching his ears. As if according to the song of the traveler floating from far away, it is gradually merging a little bit from far away.

     Even as a child, the intelligent Beethoven understood what was going to happen. But did not break down. If an artist can't hear the melody, how will he create it?

    However, he did not give up and remained engrossed in the tune day after day. It is as if the melody of each note or notation has to be imprinted in the heart so that there is no mistake in the corner.

    The seventh and eighth symphony was composed very quickly. But before the end of the ninth symphony, he became completely deaf.

     Yet he did not stop. The Ninth Symphony ended with full confidence and full confidence.

 After finishing his work, Beethoven sat in a sad and calm mind. Before I thought of calling someone Shenaber, I wondered if I knew what this song was like. Listeners will probably hear that it is absolutely inferior to the previous creation of Beethoven. On the other hand, the confident mind said - no, no - music tied to the tune of the heart, people must like it.

    Whatever it is, the fragrance of the flower is not suppressed. People listened to the ninth chimpanzee of Beethoven and everyone said in unison - this is the best of all the chimpanzees of Beethoven. If Beethoven had composed only this Ninth Symphony Tukui without doing anything else, he would have been immortal in the world. Just as you are immortal today, Saraswati's great-grandson Deaf Bithofen. Being deaf, he was able to completely distance himself from the noise of the world and become completely immersed in a single subject. And so he got an unprecedented achievement in his pursuit.

 'Every cloud has a silver line!'

Leonardo da Vinci Success Story | Best Powerful Moivational Success Story In English | Inspirational Stories Of Success

Success story :- This success story written by Jayanti Chakrabarti.English translate by Pallab Mondal.Leonardo da Vinci biography.This story revolves around Leonardo da Vinci.Leonardo da Vinci Life Story in english.We are collected this type success story that revive your lost mind.You get more success story on english in our website. And I think  all success story will take place in your mind.So please share this story to your friends and I sure they will also benefit from this success story.Thank you so much.  

 Leonardo da Vinci

     It's easier said than done, saying that Da Vinci didn't know what he could do.  Wasn't he?

    Great painter on the one hand, great architect on the other.  On the other hand, he is again a civil and mechanical engineer.  The unique physicist is again unique in the world in the technique of making a unique mathematical war weapon in the sense that he can pull out the numbers in a matter of moments.  People get confused by looking at the idols made by him — not only the idols but also the living people cannot easily understand.

   Such a wonderfully talented man with miraculous talents but never got his due status anywhere in his life.  Living with only a little bit of dignity and being immersed in his own creation, he spent his whole life running from one city to another in search of a secluded safe place, according to a chased animal.  But the ruling emperors of Italy did not show any sympathy for Kona but used him wholeheartedly for their own benefit.

   Yet this great man of Italy did not give up, did not break down.  Even in the midst of the constant calamities of life, he has created continuously.  His paintings, Menalisa and The Last Supper, still amaze the world's artisans.

   Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452, in a small town called Vinci in Florence, Italy.  As he grew older, his multifaceted talents spread throughout Italy.  The king of Florence was then Medici.  He is an understanding and patron of art culture.  He heard Leonardo's words and sent for him.  He easily got a place in the royal court.  King Medici had arranged a lot of comforts for The Vinci.  At the same time, there was plenty of time to be absorbed in creation.  The Vinci thought that the boat of life would float away easily.  But in reality it does not happen.

     The king's rule was that Leonardo should attend his meetings regularly.  Even if he lived.  Apart from industry, various topics like science, philosophy, economics etc. were raised in the royal court.  The Vinci used to express his views on all matters.

    But not matched with experienced like these.  Even though they met, they did not like to shake his head at everything.  They used to say that Leonardo should not stay with his own paintings, we should talk about him.  In those days, those who were considered great scholars in science, philosophy, medicine, and sciences — Leonardo used to point fingers at them in the middle of the meeting.

     He made many enemies in the royal court.  They continued to complain to the king in his name.  Annoyed, the king summoned him to a meeting one day.  Said- Your reputation as a painter.  You can go anywhere else to comment.  Many famous and expensive established people have been insulted by your words.  So you should be ashamed.  Put oil on your wheel.  Don't sniff about others.

     The Vinci was shocked to receive such a threat from the king.  From then on he would sit quietly in a corner of the meeting.  Everyone was shouting about lies and wrong corners, he had to endure everything in silence.  Everyone despised him, ignored him.  He digested silently.

    One more time could not.  One winter night, the family fled the palace in Florence.  According to the thief.  In hiding, the perpetrator bows his head.  He escaped in silence, because if caught, he would be sentenced to life imprisonment.  So the greatest man in Italy has to flee his homeland secretly like a thief just for the crime of telling the truth.

    The Vinci escaped from Florence to Milan.  King Forza of Milan was a terrible warrior.  The Vinci wrote him a letter.  Wrote that he was a scientist and mechanic.  He has created all the extraordinary weapons of war which, if used, will enable Forza to defeat the whole of Italy.  He has built a special kind of bridge that can be twisted to go everywhere.  When it is needed again, it is opened and the mountainous river goes to Perana effortlessly.  As light as the bridge is, it does not burn, does not cut with weapons, does not sink in water.  Again very tough.  Do not break easily, do not bend.

    Large pieces of stone can be fired continuously from a special type of cannon made by me.  But the cannon is small and light, easily transportable.

   I have made a wonderful combustible substance that will cover the smoke at the touch of a fire and the enemy will be easily caught in the dark.

    I am an outstanding architect.  I have come up with some wonderful designs that will make your Milan the most beautiful city in the world.  The statues I make will make the city attractive to the world.

   Please check the veracity of my words once.  If even one word is wrong, I will get the punishment in that corner.  The Vinci did not mention anything special about his picture or sculpture in the letter.  Because he knew very well that the warrior king had no value for Osbe.  Whatever he did, King Forge da Vinci of Milan was welcomed to the meeting.

    After that, King Forza continued to win one battle after another using weapons made by The Vinci.  As he conquered one country after another, the war fell on his neck like a ghost.  Intoxicated by the victory of war, he became absolutely insane.  It was a fun game for him to get rid of him completely.

    The Vinci realized that it was not safe to stay in the shelter of such a half-mad fighter.  If the battle in the corner becomes a coincidence.  On the same day, he will either kill The Vinci or drive him away with extreme humiliation.

    So he started looking for a new shelter on the ground floor.  He wrote a letter to His Holiness Pape, the head of the Christian community.  Pope knew everything about the da Vinci but did not answer in the corner of his letter.

    The Vinci took refuge with Caesar Kerzia.  Although he was not a Raja Maharaja, he had a lot of money and power.  The Vinci.  Recognizing his talent, he warmly sheltered him in his own building.

    In previous experience, Da Vinci had become cautious.  The speaker said very carefully.  Be silent in fear, do not cast a shadow over the powerful lakes.

    Here his position was that of an assistant to a civil engineer.  There is not a single point in this slightly trivial position the opportunity to work, the opportunity to create or the opportunity to use talent.  There is no need for innovation.  Yet The Vinci did not give up.  He calmly accepted his misfortune.  They spent eleven years in silence.  The Vinci used to sit in a corner of his room and draw in his spare time to forget the sorrows and failures of his monotonous life of eleven years.  One by one, all the incomparable pictures of Minalisa, The Creation of Man, Sistine Chapel, Lastsuper, etc., were painted in the world market, which cost billions of rupees.

     After living alone for eleven years, The Vinci once again begged Pape for asylum.  This time Pape's mind melted.  The Vinci took refuge but did not get dignity.  Pape put him in a strange position.  His own.  The job of taking care of the mint.

    The heart of this great artist cried out in despair of breaking dreams.  But what is there to do without accepting his destiny?  Four years have passed.  Long-term.  Suppressed grief and despair have taken a toll on his health.  Day by day my eyesight started getting weak.

    Yet The Vinci did not give up.  Even in his old age, he began to dream that one day someone in the corners of the world would understand his value and that day he was in a dilemma.  Do what you owe in life.

    With this dream in mind, he left Italy one day and set foot on the road to France.  Born artist, the French took him by surprise.  Hundreds of voices of praise and praise.  Mete re-emerged with the joy of artist creation.  He spent the last two years of his life.  1519 AD on Italian soil.  Before he could take his last breath, he proudly proclaimed: "The best will be his victory."  One day the boat that is sitting on the helm will reach the shore of success.

God sees the truth but waits.

Paul Ehrlick Success Story In English | Best Powerful Motivatioonal Success Story | English Success Story

Success story :- This success story written by Jayanti Chakrabarti.English translate by Pallab Mondal.Paul Ehrlick biography.This story revolves around Paul Ehrlick.Paul Ehrlick Life Story in english.We are collected this type success story that revive your lost mind.You get more success story on english in our website. And I think  all success story will take place in your mind.So please share this story to your friends and I sure they will also benefit from this success story.Thank you so much.      

 Paul Ehrlick

    That is why the German doctor Paul Ehrlick was so stubborn in simple Bengali.  There is nothing impossible if someone uses this goal or perseverance well.  At least everyone will agree with Paul Ehrlich.

    At the time I was talking, there was medicine for syphilis.  .  As he struggled with the pain of the poisonous wound, he would sneeze and move towards death.  No medicine was invented to save them or to reduce the pain of wounds.

    Paul Ehrlich was a doctor.  Many syphilis patients used to come to his hospital every day.  He would admit them.  But until then.  Lying in a hospital bed, they would languish in pain and fall into the lap of helpless death.

    Seeing this helpless chatter of the angry people every day aroused a strong determination in Paul's mind.  Whatever Hayek does, he has to find a cure for this anger.  He used to see Ragi in the hospital all day.  Then in the evening he would return home and enter the laboratory.  He would spend night after night experimenting with various medicines.  He had no idea when the night would pass and he would get bored while working with a focused mind.  He would sigh and come out of the laboratory with a tired body.  He used to look in the mirror with red eyes while waking up and say in despair- No, it doesn't happen even today.  Another day failed.

    One day, not two days — day after day, month after month.  Experimentation.  Not a day went by.  Didn't think for a second, away, not by me, that someone else would.

   He did not lose confidence even for a moment.  On the contrary, his daily failures strengthened his promise.  Zed Ara pressed hard on the crest of the brain.

    Maybe after working hard all night, the body and mind have become numb.  The legs are no longer moving.  Sleepy eyes.  The mind says, no more - this time it should stop.

    He came to the hospital at such a time.  The mournful cries of the angry and the helpless death have put a new promise in his heart.  He ran to the laboratory again.  Has started work anew.

    Mate was tested 418 times.  Yet he did not give up.  Paul's research then reached many.  One of them is Dr. Haj.  Home in Japan.  She thinks Paul should help her.  Leaving the country, he left his housework and came forward.  This time the two of them started running the test together.

    It's not just a drug test, it's a test of their patience.  As the days go by, the hope seems to be getting weaker and weaker.  The fight started with myself.  No, you can't accept the rate at all.

    When they have started, they have to do the end.  Paul and Haj continued the test 605 times, one by one.  Each bar starts with huge expectations and at the end wipes the sweat, holding hands and promising for the next bar.  In the end, the result of the 606th test was positive.  He shouted with joy, "We have done it, we have done it, we have done it."  Drugs have been found to kill the syphilis virus.  Scientists made medicine and named it Salverson.

    But where could you be completely satisfied?  This medicine works fine but the results are not as expected.  Necessarily that lab again.  Again that experiment, that night.  Awakening, that hope is swaying in despair.

    In this way, it is amazing to finally get the fruit in 910 times.  Both were shocked by Paul Ehrlich and Dr. Haj.  Disoriented, they embraced each other with joy.

    The two friends, who had been fighting for a long time, shook hands with each other and shouted for joy - Eureka!  Eureka!

    Yes!  Success came after running the test 910 times.  In one of these frustrating moments, if they had stopped running the experiment, if they had given up:

    What would happen?  Syphilis sufferers may still be screaming in agony.  Nowhere in history has the name of Paul Ehrlich or Hajj been written in gold letters.

    The biggest thing: they never get a taste of the greatest joy of life, the greatest experience.  The higher the price of happiness, the sweeter and longer the taste of happiness.

The sweetness of rest comes from the bitterness of labor.

Bhim Rao Ambedkar Success Story | Best Powerfull Motivational Success Story in English | Inspirational Stories Of Success

Success story :- This success story written by Jayanti Chakrabarti.English translate by Pallab Mondal.Bhim Rao Ambedkar biography.This story revolves around Bhim Rao Ambedkar.Bhim Rao Ambedkar Life Story in english.We are collected this type success story that revive your lost mind.You get more success story on english in our website. And I think  all success story will take place in your mind.So please share this story to your friends and I sure they will also benefit from this success story.Thank you so much.  

 Bhim Rao Ambedkar

    Ambedkar is not his ancestral title.  That title belongs to the headmaster of his school.  But why is this?  Why can't a person use the title of his own grandfather all his life?  Why is he forced to carry the title of another all his life?  She is history.  He is very sad, very embarrassing.

   Born in extreme poverty in a Dalit family, Bhimrao Ramji Sakpal Ambedkar.  Father Ramji Sakpal and mother Bhimabai.  Twelve brothers at home, the pain of poverty at home.  The suffering of society outside.  They are that Dalit, untouchable.  If you touch them, the upper caste people will not be able to take a bath.  It doesn't matter if you play from one pot or sit side by side.  The caste could be upper caste
Lakes.  Immediately they had to make atonement by covering their heads and eating gaber.  If anyone objected, he was put in solitary confinement.  This means that everyone avoided him, did not talk to him, did not associate with him.  To boycott what is called in English.

   There is no question of a boy going to school in the corner of such a Dalit house.  They are born to be ignorant and to serve the upper castes.  But Ambedkar's fortunes were good.  My father served in the English army.  At that time, the government provided unpaid schools for the children of soldiers.  That is where his education started.  But my father retired from his job and came to Satara to live permanently.  Bhimrao was admitted to the local primary school.  But the fact that he is untouchable, touches him that other students, even teachers, will be born.  So instead of sitting on a bench reserved for students, Bhimrao had to sit on the floor in a corner of the classroom.  He would not touch the book when he came to show it to the master by writing something in the book or doing the math.  The other students stood around Mastermashai's table, showing their notebooks, and the Bhimaras, too, stood at a dry face, away.  Listening to Mastermashai's words, he would edit his own book by himself.  Can you think?  Atatukuni is a boy, no one loves him, no one touches him, no one draws him close to him.  He lives far away alone.  Why?  What's wrong with her?  No, he was born in the house of untouchable masters.

    But the fate of Bhimrao too - it must be said that Nehatai was good.  Not everyone is equal anymore.  There was a kind teacher in that school.  Every day he saw the oppression of the sixth boy by the society.  This oppression continues at school and outside the school.  But for this reason high caste boys cannot be punished in any case because that is the customary rule of the society.  That kind teacher then came up with an idea.  He added his own title of Ambedkar to the name of the calm, polite, intelligent Bhimrao.  As soon as they hear the name, their noses sneeze.  From then on, Bhimrao became Ambedkar by giving up the title of Shakpal of lower caste.

    Meritorious boy.  He passed the BA examination with good marks from Elphinstone College.  The king of Barada, recognizing the talent of this boy, called him and gave him a job and also sent him to America to study Ara.  After studying economics and politics in the United States and London, Bhimrao returned to India and worked as a political adviser to the king of Baradar.  But the merciful king did not realize then what he had done wrong.  The one he has placed in such a high position is a Mahar, the sixth caste.  So no employee agreed to work under his command from Bhimrao.

    The Bhimaras also understood that decay had taken root in this superstitious society.  He needs oil before he can be healed.  He started a movement against racism.  Gandhiji named the untouchables Harijan.  Ambedkar vehemently opposed the name.  He said that if the untouchables are like Harijans or gods, what about others?  According to him, it is insulting for the untouchables to distinguish themselves by the name 'Harijan'.  But the Indian government did not listen to his argument.  If the name Harijan continues.

    Ambedkar saw that the government of the upper class people does not give importance to the words of his or his class.  After India became independent (1947), Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru called on him to draft a constitution.  He is the chairman of the constitution-drafting pundit group.  The Indian Constitution was written for almost two years.  Launched on 26 November 1949.

   Ambedkar, as the law minister of an independent country, introduced a number of amendments to Hindu law.  But others did not want to obey him.  His Hindu law bill was blocked without being passed.  Insulted, Dr. Ambedkar resigned as law minister.

    Having been so humiliated and neglected, he realized that the condition of the untouchable Dalits was in the same whale that the country should be independent and subjugated.  But he did not give up in despair and remained silent.  He began to look for the language of protest.  Finally, on 14 October 1956, along with his followers, Bhimrao Ambedkar left Hinduism and converted to Buddhism.

   The anger and filth accumulated all his life has gone away for so long.  The scars of long insults were added to the Buddhist mantra of forgiveness and love.  Absolute peace descended on his life.

   He left for Amritla in the middle of the night on December 6, 1957.  Wounded in the long unequal war, the shadow of absolute peace was then on the face of this Dalit child of God.

   Age, caste, position, opinion - none of these is a bar an entering the chambers of the self.


Meghnad Saha Success Story In English | Best Powerful Motivational Success Story In English | Inspirational Stories Of Success

Success story :- This success story written by Jayanti Chakrabarti.English translate by Pallab Mondal.Meghnad Saha biography.This story revolves around Meghnad Saha.Meghnad Saha Life Story in english.We are collected this type success story that revive your lost mind.You get more success story on english in our website. And I think  all success story will take place in your mind.So please share this story to your friends and I sure they will also benefit from this success story.Thank you so much.      

  Meghnad Saha

     None of the scientists who have made international strides in India to date have had to suffer as much as Meghnad Saha.  At the very bottom of the society, where poverty, illiteracy and the curse of the crossroads have been eradicated, all human possibilities have been shattered and Meghnad Saha has risen from the mire to the throne of Vigyan Bharati's army.  Along with Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose, Dr. CV Raman, Satyendranath Bose, the name of Meghnad Saha is also memorable with equal respect and amazement.  But Meghnad Saha's achievement is far greater than others because he has risen from an incredible dark level of society to incredible success.  Once upon a time, this science devotee reached the peak by overcoming various obstacles in every step of life.  He is an everlasting inspirational pole in front of the ever backward Dalit people everywhere.

     Meghna's father was a poor grocer.  Family of seven or eight including five brothers and parents.  The only source of income is the grocery store.  When Meghnad finished his primary education in the village school, his father decided what would happen after learning to read!  From now on, Basuk will be in the grocery store, according to Bhai.

    It is the lowest of the poor in the nation.  More education, better jobs and jobs are all for us?  But Meghnad did not give up.  With a dry face, hiding a book dream, he sat in the shop, weighed rice, pulses, oil, salt and wondered how to start again.

   He did.  Holding his grandfather's hand, he was admitted to an unpaid school ten kilometers away.  You don't have to pay here, but you have to walk ten to twenty miles every day to get to and from school.  But this trouble is nothing.  Meghnad started going to school again with great joy.  But when it comes time to go to school, when will you study again?  One day, Meghna's grandfather solved a surprising problem.  A doctor lives near the school.  He smiled and agreed to pay for the food and school expenses of the poor talented boy.

    The joy of hope is back in a frustrated life.  Meghnad came with books and took shelter at Dr. Babu's house.  He got up in the morning and washed the sticky dishes of everyone in the house.  Cleans the house.  Cut the jaws of the cow.  Then go to school on your own.  He continued his studies as a servant from the next shelter.  He had such determination in his mind.

    The work in the corner is not short.  As a result of working six.  Whether the purpose in the big corner is succeeding.  Moreover, while working in that corner, if it is thought that I am serving without thinking, then the work becomes more and more enjoyable.  Religion is hardly in words.

   There was hardly any religion in Meghnad Saha's life.  He studied according to his sadhana.  As a result, he passed the matriculation examination in the first section with a scholarship.  He came to study at Presidency College, Kolkata.  But what will be the cost of reading!  The sky broke in my head at the thought.  It costs about 15/20 rupees per month.  That grandfather came forward again.  He used to get 20 rupees a month, so he used to send 5 rupees to his brother.  Scholarship 4 rupees and Vaishya Samiti grant 2 rupees.  Thus Jaigar is 11 rupees.  The rest he took care of his son in his spare time.  The struggle began again.

    Is it just poverty?  Caste barriers?  The boys of Bamun Kayet insulted and tickled whenever they got a chance.  The sixth caste is not allowed to pay homage to the Saraswati Pujo of the college.  Even the educated society of that day was so worried about caste that this great scientist had to endure a lot of contempt, injustice and neglect all his life.  Yet he did not move a hair from his work.  With extraordinary hard work and miraculous talent, he took the pursuit of science in the world a long way.  All the theories that he discovered by researching astrophysics or astrophysics are based on the subsequent advances.

    Not only research on paper but also the pursuit of science should be spread in human service.  There is no good laboratory in the country, the average oilman took charge himself.  The National Academy of Sciences, the Indian Physical Society, the National Academy of Sciences, the Indian News Association — these institutions were built by the working Meghnad himself.

    When the country became independent, where is the dream, where is the hope.  He will eradicate the poverty of the people of the country by using science as a tool.  Remove prejudices and caste barriers.  He was the first to think of nuclear power generation.  But when the Atomic Energy Commission was formed under the leadership of the Nehru government, he was left out first.  Meghnad got a department where his talent and interest would not be of any use.

    No, Meghnad did not accept this time.  Leaving the rudder again and coming out of the complex vortex of politics, he did not find the success of life only by immersing himself in science.  The reason is that he himself has seen the unbearable life of the poor, ignorant, Dalit people of this country.  He had to work for the people — work was his only religion.

    In India's first Lok Sabha elections, he stood as a non-party candidate and won by a huge margin.  This time he tied his waist and went down to work.  He said the country will not improve just by saying something good.  If you want to be, you have to use science.  You have to throw away old-fashioned ideas and hold the hand of science.

    But the peasant does not get begging without saying a word.  The country did not know a wise man and a worker.  He did not come forward with enough importance to realize his dream.  But he did not give up in pride or despair.  He has sincerely moved forward on the path of his own pursuit.  That is why the name of this Brahmin Bengali scientist named Meghnad Saha is shining in the letters of the army in the scientific community of the world.

     A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.

Ramdulal Dey Success Story | Best Powerful Motivational Success Story | English Success Story | Inspirational Stories Of Success

Ramdulal Dey Success Story | Best Powerful Motivational Success Story | English Success Story | Inspirational Stories Of Success
Success story :- This success story written by Jayanti Chakrabarti.English translate by Pallab Mondal.Ramdulal Dey biography.This story revolves around Ramdulal Dey.Ramdulal Dey Life Story in english.We are collected this type success story that revive your lost mind.You get more success story on english in our website. And I think  all success story will take place in your mind.So please share this story to your friends and I sure they will also benefit from this success story.Thank you so much.   

Ramdulal Dey

    This Bengali Ramdulal Dey was one of the most successful businessmen of independent India.

    Ramdulal, a fatherless boy, came to his uncle's house in his childhood.  Grandmother begs from house to house and grandmother cooks at Lake's house.

   At the end of the day, Grandma would return home and boil the rice made by her grandfather.  So it feels like nectar.  Thus began his life, in his youth he became known as the Rothschild of Bengal (a top rich Englishman).

   Ramdulal Dey of the nineteenth century accomplished this impossible task by combining these four qualities of determination, honesty, devotion and humility.

    He did not get any opportunity to study.  Could not write English letters.  But self-taught Ramdulal had no difficulty in speaking or hearing English.  So his company's business spread all over the world including China, Japan, England, America.  Bengalis and Indians have forgotten him today but America has not forgotten him.  The ‘Ramdulal Society’ there is proof of that.

    How could Ramdulal Dey make such a groundbreaking change in his life?  He is like a wonderful fairy tale.  No less thrilling than an English thriller in that corner.

    Ramdulal's grandmother used to cook at his house. Madan Mahen Dutt is a medium sized businessman from Kolkata.  His company used to make a lot of money by buying and selling shiploads of goods that came to the port of Calcutta.  Ramdulal used to live in this Madanmahan Dutt's outhouse with his cook grandmother.

    The rich man's sheltered boy.  There is no question of sending him to school with expenses.  After Didima went out to work, the boy Ramdulal used to walk to the school in the neighborhood.  He would sit quietly outside the attic, on the side of the road.  The students used to write on banana leaves with a twig pen.  Then he would throw away the banana leaves written during the holidays.  Ramdulal used to collect them carefully.  He used to practice turning over the obscure writings on his own.  Then he would wash the leaves in water and rewrite them with his own hand.  He would match it with other writings.

    This is how the knowledge of letters went.  Apart from the rich boy, he also learned to read Bengali by looking at abandoned books.  Madanmahan Dutt, the owner of the house, got acquainted with his talent and was impressed by his humble and humble behavior and gave him a government job with a bill of five rupees.  But the ambition of Ramdulal's mind, which was raised as a beggar, could not be stopped by the five rupees (now about 6000 rupees).  One day Ramdulal, without the permission of his lord, spent 14,000 rupees and called for a submarine auction.  Within a few hours, all the goods of that ship were sold for one lakh and fourteen thousand.  Ramdulal could have silently embezzled this one lakh rupees of profit.  But he did not.  He politely handed over the money to his boss.

    Madan Mahen Dutt paid homage to this belief.  He asked Ramdulal to run his own independent business with that one lakh rupees (now 14,000,000,000 - one crore forty lakhs).  Ramdulal did not have to look back after that start.  He has earned crores of rupees in his life.  But begging himself.  He did not forget about his cherished childhood even once.  So all his life he has lived a simple and unpretentious life and has done charity meditation with both hands.  He knew what the pain of poverty was.  He knew the pain of starvation.

    So he used to give rice, pulses and market expenses to four hundred poor neighbors every month.  Every day Laik used to come to his office in groups to pray for help.  Seventy rupees was allocated daily for them.  He was the first to introduce pension system after retirement of employees.  In addition, three doctors were appointed.  They treated the employees from door to door and provided them with food and medicine.

    Huge guest house where one thousand guests irrespective of caste, religion and caste get to eat at Petpur every day.  Even at the time of his death, Ramdulal set aside two lakh rupees for poor hospitality.  Probably the only motive behind Ramdulal's life struggle was to help the poor.  By giving jobs to thousands of unemployed people and providing food to millions of poor people, he made life very successful and prosperous.  So his struggle and success is legendary today.

    To accomplish great things we must dream, visualize, plan, believe and act.

Columbus Success story | Best Powerful Motivational Success Story | English Success Story | Inspirational Stories Of Success

Success story :- This success story written by Jayanti Chakrabarti.English translate by Pallab Mondal.Columbus biography.This story revolves around Columbus.Columbus Life Story in english.We are collected this type success story that revive your lost mind.You get more success story on english in our website. And I think  all success story will take place in your mind.So please share this story to your friends and I sure they will also benefit from this success story.Thank you so much. 


    They all know that America was discovered by Columbus.  But the story behind the discovery of the history of the great struggle and the risk of death is hidden today.

    Christopher Columbus was the son of a very poor family in Italy.  But the poor man's neck was angry and the poor man's son Columbus also dreamed of one day becoming a great sailor.  As soon as the sailor returned to the city, Columbus would come and think with him, then sit for hours and listen to the stories of various thrilling experiences like storms, sinking ships, life and death coming to a standstill.  Listening to these stories, he would become bewildered and wondered how one day he too would float on the shores of the insane sea and reach the land of a dream in an unknown unfamiliar corner.

    All this is about five hundred years ago from today.  At that time, to reach India from Europe, one had to board a ship over the Persian Gulf to the east.  There was also a path to the other corner.  It would have taken months and months, and there were many dangers along the way.

    Galileo has already discovered that the earth is Gaelic.  Columbus thought that if the earth were Gaelic, it would reach the east, but it would reach the west.  He spoke of his belief in whoever he met and said that if anyone gave him a chance, he would prove it with his own hands.  But everyone laughed at Columbus.  Even if someone supported it, no one could give a clue as to how it would be possible to make it a reality.

    Columbus, meanwhile, is stubborn.  In the end, there was no nava, no food, all day and night he was busy dreaming of traveling to India by sea.  The country where there are as many rich lakes.  Finding their address, he began sending them letters informing them of his plans.  Even after Italy, Columbus continued to write letters to wealthy people in other European countries.  Raja Maharajas were not left out either.

    But who is Columbus?  A poor face - he doesn't have happiness.  There is no experience like Lackball or Money.  No one knows, no one knows, who will give money, ships and mans believing such lakes?  There was no reply to any letter.  Columbus did not give up.

    The time we are talking about was the era of business expansion in Europe.  The Industrial Revolution resulted in mass production in European factories.  He wants to sell all these things in new new markets in new countries.  So Spain, Portugal, Italy, Rome, England, France all went down to sea with big ships.  Spain and Portugal are again the most advanced in trade because their countrymen were masters of sailing.  At such a time, Columbus's proposal is not to be taken lightly.  Yet since he was poor, inexperienced and unknown, no one paid attention to his words.

    Columbus did not give up.  One year passed, two years passed and one day Columbus came to Portugal.  Tell the one who gets it about his plan.  He was not allowed to enter the palace, so he told them to come and go to the king.  If there is a solution.

    Gradually the word reached the king's ears.  He is a good man.  He thought that the sea trade would be much easier and more profitable if Lake could really find a shortcut to the corner.  Lots of resources will come to the country.  The people will be happy.  He told the ministers to find out about the matter by meeting Laker.

    The ministers summoned Columbus.  Then he heard everything from him and asked him to calculate all the money for Tayma's travel expenses and give him a design of the journey.  It must be granted by the king.  With great enthusiasm, Columbus simply put everything in their hands.  This time Satan's cunning ministers secretly sent some Portuguese sailors to the westward sea with the money allotted by the king and the design of Columbus.  When Columbus found out that he had been terribly deceived, all his soul trembled with anger, sadness, despair and hatred for the Portuguese.  But he did not give up.

    He stood in the way again.  This time he came to Spain with empty hands.  Queen Isabella of Spain's heavy Maya Hall sees the boy and listens to his dreams.  But Spain is a sixth country, and it is not possible to spend millions of rupees on the words of a stranger.  So he told Columbus to wait.  Columbus also waited patiently.

     It took seven years, one year and two years, for him to file a petition to the Spanish court.  The queen finally lost her mind after giving back continuously.  He assured that Spain would bear all the expenses required for the voyage.

    Patience wins.

    1492 AD on a certain day.  Columbus set sail from Spain with a large crowd.  Nina, Pinta and Santamaria took these three huge merchant ships and sailed west.  For the purpose of Columbus Bharatvarya.  So far his dream has come true.  He has got a rare opportunity to float in the deep sea.  But what will be the last defense?  The queen has so much money, so many people's lives are all in her hands now.  It is not successful only if it can reach India.  As time goes on, the tension in Columbus increases.

     It took two months to see.  There is no sign of land.  The people with him have become increasingly annoyed.  Food stocks are also running out fast.  The sailors hid first, then began to criticize him openly.  He was repeatedly pressured to return to the country.  They said it was too much.  According to Columbus, it was their mistake to come to sea with the inexperienced Lake.  This time it means you can survive if you can return to the country.  Otherwise, everyone, including the ship, will have to starve to death in the middle of the deep sea.  Among these dangers is another new danger.  Some of Columbus's companions died as a result of a long voyage or some other corner.

   This time a line of thought fell on the forehead of Columbus.  Standing on the deck of the ship and staring at the directionless sea, he just seemed to think, but was it all wrong?  Has gone astray.  His journey?  Isn't it right for inexperienced people to take so much risk?

    But the dream of so many years, so much effort, so much money will all be in vain!  A believing sailor came and whispered in Columbus's ear that the sailors were plotting to kill you.  If you want to survive, turn around the ship now.

    Columbus was stunned.  It was not the fear of death but the betrayal and pettiness of man that made him mad.  But no;  He is reluctant to give up.  Let him kill, but he will continue to try in the end.  He came down and tried to seduce the sailors once and for all.  But no, no one is willing to listen to anyone.  Their eyes are shining with vengeance, terror and cruelty.  Columbus called again.  He looked stunned.  Towards the dark sea.

    Of these, 60 days have passed.  Maybe tonight is the last night of life.  Columbus wants to see this beloved world and this beloved sea with all his heart for the last time.  Columbus stood there all night.  Didn't close his eyes for a second.  Gradually it became heavy.  In the eastern sky, a light-colored God has appeared.  Columbus was coming down from the deck bowing for the last time.  But suddenly his eyes got stuck in a scene.  Same!  A broken green lentil!  They are dancing on the head of the waves and are floating on the path of disappearance.

    However, the shore has come close!  But what

    Columbus couldn't believe his eyes.  This time he looked at the horizon with binoculars.  That's it!  That is the vague coastline.  That is the assurance of life, the victory flag of victory.

    At his shout, the sailors and sailors in groups called for the ship and left.  Someone hugged happily.  Someone fell on his feet and started crying and begging for forgiveness.  Columbus did not punish or rebuke anyone.

    In the joy of victory achieved through many hardships, he was then great and generous according to the sky.  That's when he named the island West Indies.  His idea was that he had come to an island in western India.  In fact, it was a place near the Bahamas in the United States.

    Columbus later discovered much of North and South America by exploring Arae several times.

    So the name of Columbus, the poor inexperienced sailor with the American continent, will remain immortal forever and will remain fearless, patient, never give up, shine in the history of people without a hull, Amlan will become a name.

    To be able to lead others, you must be willing to go for ward alone .-- Harry S. Truman
