Meghnad Saha Success Story In English | Best Powerful Motivational Success Story In English | Inspirational Stories Of Success

Success story :- This success story written by Jayanti Chakrabarti.English translate by Pallab Mondal.Meghnad Saha biography.This story revolves around Meghnad Saha.Meghnad Saha Life Story in english.We are collected this type success story that revive your lost mind.You get more success story on english in our website. And I think  all success story will take place in your mind.So please share this story to your friends and I sure they will also benefit from this success story.Thank you so much.      

  Meghnad Saha

     None of the scientists who have made international strides in India to date have had to suffer as much as Meghnad Saha.  At the very bottom of the society, where poverty, illiteracy and the curse of the crossroads have been eradicated, all human possibilities have been shattered and Meghnad Saha has risen from the mire to the throne of Vigyan Bharati's army.  Along with Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose, Dr. CV Raman, Satyendranath Bose, the name of Meghnad Saha is also memorable with equal respect and amazement.  But Meghnad Saha's achievement is far greater than others because he has risen from an incredible dark level of society to incredible success.  Once upon a time, this science devotee reached the peak by overcoming various obstacles in every step of life.  He is an everlasting inspirational pole in front of the ever backward Dalit people everywhere.

     Meghna's father was a poor grocer.  Family of seven or eight including five brothers and parents.  The only source of income is the grocery store.  When Meghnad finished his primary education in the village school, his father decided what would happen after learning to read!  From now on, Basuk will be in the grocery store, according to Bhai.

    It is the lowest of the poor in the nation.  More education, better jobs and jobs are all for us?  But Meghnad did not give up.  With a dry face, hiding a book dream, he sat in the shop, weighed rice, pulses, oil, salt and wondered how to start again.

   He did.  Holding his grandfather's hand, he was admitted to an unpaid school ten kilometers away.  You don't have to pay here, but you have to walk ten to twenty miles every day to get to and from school.  But this trouble is nothing.  Meghnad started going to school again with great joy.  But when it comes time to go to school, when will you study again?  One day, Meghna's grandfather solved a surprising problem.  A doctor lives near the school.  He smiled and agreed to pay for the food and school expenses of the poor talented boy.

    The joy of hope is back in a frustrated life.  Meghnad came with books and took shelter at Dr. Babu's house.  He got up in the morning and washed the sticky dishes of everyone in the house.  Cleans the house.  Cut the jaws of the cow.  Then go to school on your own.  He continued his studies as a servant from the next shelter.  He had such determination in his mind.

    The work in the corner is not short.  As a result of working six.  Whether the purpose in the big corner is succeeding.  Moreover, while working in that corner, if it is thought that I am serving without thinking, then the work becomes more and more enjoyable.  Religion is hardly in words.

   There was hardly any religion in Meghnad Saha's life.  He studied according to his sadhana.  As a result, he passed the matriculation examination in the first section with a scholarship.  He came to study at Presidency College, Kolkata.  But what will be the cost of reading!  The sky broke in my head at the thought.  It costs about 15/20 rupees per month.  That grandfather came forward again.  He used to get 20 rupees a month, so he used to send 5 rupees to his brother.  Scholarship 4 rupees and Vaishya Samiti grant 2 rupees.  Thus Jaigar is 11 rupees.  The rest he took care of his son in his spare time.  The struggle began again.

    Is it just poverty?  Caste barriers?  The boys of Bamun Kayet insulted and tickled whenever they got a chance.  The sixth caste is not allowed to pay homage to the Saraswati Pujo of the college.  Even the educated society of that day was so worried about caste that this great scientist had to endure a lot of contempt, injustice and neglect all his life.  Yet he did not move a hair from his work.  With extraordinary hard work and miraculous talent, he took the pursuit of science in the world a long way.  All the theories that he discovered by researching astrophysics or astrophysics are based on the subsequent advances.

    Not only research on paper but also the pursuit of science should be spread in human service.  There is no good laboratory in the country, the average oilman took charge himself.  The National Academy of Sciences, the Indian Physical Society, the National Academy of Sciences, the Indian News Association — these institutions were built by the working Meghnad himself.

    When the country became independent, where is the dream, where is the hope.  He will eradicate the poverty of the people of the country by using science as a tool.  Remove prejudices and caste barriers.  He was the first to think of nuclear power generation.  But when the Atomic Energy Commission was formed under the leadership of the Nehru government, he was left out first.  Meghnad got a department where his talent and interest would not be of any use.

    No, Meghnad did not accept this time.  Leaving the rudder again and coming out of the complex vortex of politics, he did not find the success of life only by immersing himself in science.  The reason is that he himself has seen the unbearable life of the poor, ignorant, Dalit people of this country.  He had to work for the people — work was his only religion.

    In India's first Lok Sabha elections, he stood as a non-party candidate and won by a huge margin.  This time he tied his waist and went down to work.  He said the country will not improve just by saying something good.  If you want to be, you have to use science.  You have to throw away old-fashioned ideas and hold the hand of science.

    But the peasant does not get begging without saying a word.  The country did not know a wise man and a worker.  He did not come forward with enough importance to realize his dream.  But he did not give up in pride or despair.  He has sincerely moved forward on the path of his own pursuit.  That is why the name of this Brahmin Bengali scientist named Meghnad Saha is shining in the letters of the army in the scientific community of the world.

     A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.