Leonardo da Vinci Success Story | Best Powerful Moivational Success Story In English | Inspirational Stories Of Success

Success story :- This success story written by Jayanti Chakrabarti.English translate by Pallab Mondal.Leonardo da Vinci biography.This story revolves around Leonardo da Vinci.Leonardo da Vinci Life Story in english.We are collected this type success story that revive your lost mind.You get more success story on english in our website. And I think  all success story will take place in your mind.So please share this story to your friends and I sure they will also benefit from this success story.Thank you so much.  

 Leonardo da Vinci

     It's easier said than done, saying that Da Vinci didn't know what he could do.  Wasn't he?

    Great painter on the one hand, great architect on the other.  On the other hand, he is again a civil and mechanical engineer.  The unique physicist is again unique in the world in the technique of making a unique mathematical war weapon in the sense that he can pull out the numbers in a matter of moments.  People get confused by looking at the idols made by him — not only the idols but also the living people cannot easily understand.

   Such a wonderfully talented man with miraculous talents but never got his due status anywhere in his life.  Living with only a little bit of dignity and being immersed in his own creation, he spent his whole life running from one city to another in search of a secluded safe place, according to a chased animal.  But the ruling emperors of Italy did not show any sympathy for Kona but used him wholeheartedly for their own benefit.

   Yet this great man of Italy did not give up, did not break down.  Even in the midst of the constant calamities of life, he has created continuously.  His paintings, Menalisa and The Last Supper, still amaze the world's artisans.

   Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452, in a small town called Vinci in Florence, Italy.  As he grew older, his multifaceted talents spread throughout Italy.  The king of Florence was then Medici.  He is an understanding and patron of art culture.  He heard Leonardo's words and sent for him.  He easily got a place in the royal court.  King Medici had arranged a lot of comforts for The Vinci.  At the same time, there was plenty of time to be absorbed in creation.  The Vinci thought that the boat of life would float away easily.  But in reality it does not happen.

     The king's rule was that Leonardo should attend his meetings regularly.  Even if he lived.  Apart from industry, various topics like science, philosophy, economics etc. were raised in the royal court.  The Vinci used to express his views on all matters.

    But not matched with experienced like these.  Even though they met, they did not like to shake his head at everything.  They used to say that Leonardo should not stay with his own paintings, we should talk about him.  In those days, those who were considered great scholars in science, philosophy, medicine, and sciences — Leonardo used to point fingers at them in the middle of the meeting.

     He made many enemies in the royal court.  They continued to complain to the king in his name.  Annoyed, the king summoned him to a meeting one day.  Said- Your reputation as a painter.  You can go anywhere else to comment.  Many famous and expensive established people have been insulted by your words.  So you should be ashamed.  Put oil on your wheel.  Don't sniff about others.

     The Vinci was shocked to receive such a threat from the king.  From then on he would sit quietly in a corner of the meeting.  Everyone was shouting about lies and wrong corners, he had to endure everything in silence.  Everyone despised him, ignored him.  He digested silently.

    One more time could not.  One winter night, the family fled the palace in Florence.  According to the thief.  In hiding, the perpetrator bows his head.  He escaped in silence, because if caught, he would be sentenced to life imprisonment.  So the greatest man in Italy has to flee his homeland secretly like a thief just for the crime of telling the truth.

    The Vinci escaped from Florence to Milan.  King Forza of Milan was a terrible warrior.  The Vinci wrote him a letter.  Wrote that he was a scientist and mechanic.  He has created all the extraordinary weapons of war which, if used, will enable Forza to defeat the whole of Italy.  He has built a special kind of bridge that can be twisted to go everywhere.  When it is needed again, it is opened and the mountainous river goes to Perana effortlessly.  As light as the bridge is, it does not burn, does not cut with weapons, does not sink in water.  Again very tough.  Do not break easily, do not bend.

    Large pieces of stone can be fired continuously from a special type of cannon made by me.  But the cannon is small and light, easily transportable.

   I have made a wonderful combustible substance that will cover the smoke at the touch of a fire and the enemy will be easily caught in the dark.

    I am an outstanding architect.  I have come up with some wonderful designs that will make your Milan the most beautiful city in the world.  The statues I make will make the city attractive to the world.

   Please check the veracity of my words once.  If even one word is wrong, I will get the punishment in that corner.  The Vinci did not mention anything special about his picture or sculpture in the letter.  Because he knew very well that the warrior king had no value for Osbe.  Whatever he did, King Forge da Vinci of Milan was welcomed to the meeting.

    After that, King Forza continued to win one battle after another using weapons made by The Vinci.  As he conquered one country after another, the war fell on his neck like a ghost.  Intoxicated by the victory of war, he became absolutely insane.  It was a fun game for him to get rid of him completely.

    The Vinci realized that it was not safe to stay in the shelter of such a half-mad fighter.  If the battle in the corner becomes a coincidence.  On the same day, he will either kill The Vinci or drive him away with extreme humiliation.

    So he started looking for a new shelter on the ground floor.  He wrote a letter to His Holiness Pape, the head of the Christian community.  Pope knew everything about the da Vinci but did not answer in the corner of his letter.

    The Vinci took refuge with Caesar Kerzia.  Although he was not a Raja Maharaja, he had a lot of money and power.  The Vinci.  Recognizing his talent, he warmly sheltered him in his own building.

    In previous experience, Da Vinci had become cautious.  The speaker said very carefully.  Be silent in fear, do not cast a shadow over the powerful lakes.

    Here his position was that of an assistant to a civil engineer.  There is not a single point in this slightly trivial position the opportunity to work, the opportunity to create or the opportunity to use talent.  There is no need for innovation.  Yet The Vinci did not give up.  He calmly accepted his misfortune.  They spent eleven years in silence.  The Vinci used to sit in a corner of his room and draw in his spare time to forget the sorrows and failures of his monotonous life of eleven years.  One by one, all the incomparable pictures of Minalisa, The Creation of Man, Sistine Chapel, Lastsuper, etc., were painted in the world market, which cost billions of rupees.

     After living alone for eleven years, The Vinci once again begged Pape for asylum.  This time Pape's mind melted.  The Vinci took refuge but did not get dignity.  Pape put him in a strange position.  His own.  The job of taking care of the mint.

    The heart of this great artist cried out in despair of breaking dreams.  But what is there to do without accepting his destiny?  Four years have passed.  Long-term.  Suppressed grief and despair have taken a toll on his health.  Day by day my eyesight started getting weak.

    Yet The Vinci did not give up.  Even in his old age, he began to dream that one day someone in the corners of the world would understand his value and that day he was in a dilemma.  Do what you owe in life.

    With this dream in mind, he left Italy one day and set foot on the road to France.  Born artist, the French took him by surprise.  Hundreds of voices of praise and praise.  Mete re-emerged with the joy of artist creation.  He spent the last two years of his life.  1519 AD on Italian soil.  Before he could take his last breath, he proudly proclaimed: "The best will be his victory."  One day the boat that is sitting on the helm will reach the shore of success.

God sees the truth but waits.