Paul Ehrlick Success Story In English | Best Powerful Motivatioonal Success Story | English Success Story

Success story :- This success story written by Jayanti Chakrabarti.English translate by Pallab Mondal.Paul Ehrlick biography.This story revolves around Paul Ehrlick.Paul Ehrlick Life Story in english.We are collected this type success story that revive your lost mind.You get more success story on english in our website. And I think  all success story will take place in your mind.So please share this story to your friends and I sure they will also benefit from this success story.Thank you so much.      

 Paul Ehrlick

    That is why the German doctor Paul Ehrlick was so stubborn in simple Bengali.  There is nothing impossible if someone uses this goal or perseverance well.  At least everyone will agree with Paul Ehrlich.

    At the time I was talking, there was medicine for syphilis.  .  As he struggled with the pain of the poisonous wound, he would sneeze and move towards death.  No medicine was invented to save them or to reduce the pain of wounds.

    Paul Ehrlich was a doctor.  Many syphilis patients used to come to his hospital every day.  He would admit them.  But until then.  Lying in a hospital bed, they would languish in pain and fall into the lap of helpless death.

    Seeing this helpless chatter of the angry people every day aroused a strong determination in Paul's mind.  Whatever Hayek does, he has to find a cure for this anger.  He used to see Ragi in the hospital all day.  Then in the evening he would return home and enter the laboratory.  He would spend night after night experimenting with various medicines.  He had no idea when the night would pass and he would get bored while working with a focused mind.  He would sigh and come out of the laboratory with a tired body.  He used to look in the mirror with red eyes while waking up and say in despair- No, it doesn't happen even today.  Another day failed.

    One day, not two days — day after day, month after month.  Experimentation.  Not a day went by.  Didn't think for a second, away, not by me, that someone else would.

   He did not lose confidence even for a moment.  On the contrary, his daily failures strengthened his promise.  Zed Ara pressed hard on the crest of the brain.

    Maybe after working hard all night, the body and mind have become numb.  The legs are no longer moving.  Sleepy eyes.  The mind says, no more - this time it should stop.

    He came to the hospital at such a time.  The mournful cries of the angry and the helpless death have put a new promise in his heart.  He ran to the laboratory again.  Has started work anew.

    Mate was tested 418 times.  Yet he did not give up.  Paul's research then reached many.  One of them is Dr. Haj.  Home in Japan.  She thinks Paul should help her.  Leaving the country, he left his housework and came forward.  This time the two of them started running the test together.

    It's not just a drug test, it's a test of their patience.  As the days go by, the hope seems to be getting weaker and weaker.  The fight started with myself.  No, you can't accept the rate at all.

    When they have started, they have to do the end.  Paul and Haj continued the test 605 times, one by one.  Each bar starts with huge expectations and at the end wipes the sweat, holding hands and promising for the next bar.  In the end, the result of the 606th test was positive.  He shouted with joy, "We have done it, we have done it, we have done it."  Drugs have been found to kill the syphilis virus.  Scientists made medicine and named it Salverson.

    But where could you be completely satisfied?  This medicine works fine but the results are not as expected.  Necessarily that lab again.  Again that experiment, that night.  Awakening, that hope is swaying in despair.

    In this way, it is amazing to finally get the fruit in 910 times.  Both were shocked by Paul Ehrlich and Dr. Haj.  Disoriented, they embraced each other with joy.

    The two friends, who had been fighting for a long time, shook hands with each other and shouted for joy - Eureka!  Eureka!

    Yes!  Success came after running the test 910 times.  In one of these frustrating moments, if they had stopped running the experiment, if they had given up:

    What would happen?  Syphilis sufferers may still be screaming in agony.  Nowhere in history has the name of Paul Ehrlich or Hajj been written in gold letters.

    The biggest thing: they never get a taste of the greatest joy of life, the greatest experience.  The higher the price of happiness, the sweeter and longer the taste of happiness.

The sweetness of rest comes from the bitterness of labor.