Columbus Success story | Best Powerful Motivational Success Story | English Success Story | Inspirational Stories Of Success

Success story :- This success story written by Jayanti Chakrabarti.English translate by Pallab Mondal.Columbus biography.This story revolves around Columbus.Columbus Life Story in english.We are collected this type success story that revive your lost mind.You get more success story on english in our website. And I think  all success story will take place in your mind.So please share this story to your friends and I sure they will also benefit from this success story.Thank you so much. 


    They all know that America was discovered by Columbus.  But the story behind the discovery of the history of the great struggle and the risk of death is hidden today.

    Christopher Columbus was the son of a very poor family in Italy.  But the poor man's neck was angry and the poor man's son Columbus also dreamed of one day becoming a great sailor.  As soon as the sailor returned to the city, Columbus would come and think with him, then sit for hours and listen to the stories of various thrilling experiences like storms, sinking ships, life and death coming to a standstill.  Listening to these stories, he would become bewildered and wondered how one day he too would float on the shores of the insane sea and reach the land of a dream in an unknown unfamiliar corner.

    All this is about five hundred years ago from today.  At that time, to reach India from Europe, one had to board a ship over the Persian Gulf to the east.  There was also a path to the other corner.  It would have taken months and months, and there were many dangers along the way.

    Galileo has already discovered that the earth is Gaelic.  Columbus thought that if the earth were Gaelic, it would reach the east, but it would reach the west.  He spoke of his belief in whoever he met and said that if anyone gave him a chance, he would prove it with his own hands.  But everyone laughed at Columbus.  Even if someone supported it, no one could give a clue as to how it would be possible to make it a reality.

    Columbus, meanwhile, is stubborn.  In the end, there was no nava, no food, all day and night he was busy dreaming of traveling to India by sea.  The country where there are as many rich lakes.  Finding their address, he began sending them letters informing them of his plans.  Even after Italy, Columbus continued to write letters to wealthy people in other European countries.  Raja Maharajas were not left out either.

    But who is Columbus?  A poor face - he doesn't have happiness.  There is no experience like Lackball or Money.  No one knows, no one knows, who will give money, ships and mans believing such lakes?  There was no reply to any letter.  Columbus did not give up.

    The time we are talking about was the era of business expansion in Europe.  The Industrial Revolution resulted in mass production in European factories.  He wants to sell all these things in new new markets in new countries.  So Spain, Portugal, Italy, Rome, England, France all went down to sea with big ships.  Spain and Portugal are again the most advanced in trade because their countrymen were masters of sailing.  At such a time, Columbus's proposal is not to be taken lightly.  Yet since he was poor, inexperienced and unknown, no one paid attention to his words.

    Columbus did not give up.  One year passed, two years passed and one day Columbus came to Portugal.  Tell the one who gets it about his plan.  He was not allowed to enter the palace, so he told them to come and go to the king.  If there is a solution.

    Gradually the word reached the king's ears.  He is a good man.  He thought that the sea trade would be much easier and more profitable if Lake could really find a shortcut to the corner.  Lots of resources will come to the country.  The people will be happy.  He told the ministers to find out about the matter by meeting Laker.

    The ministers summoned Columbus.  Then he heard everything from him and asked him to calculate all the money for Tayma's travel expenses and give him a design of the journey.  It must be granted by the king.  With great enthusiasm, Columbus simply put everything in their hands.  This time Satan's cunning ministers secretly sent some Portuguese sailors to the westward sea with the money allotted by the king and the design of Columbus.  When Columbus found out that he had been terribly deceived, all his soul trembled with anger, sadness, despair and hatred for the Portuguese.  But he did not give up.

    He stood in the way again.  This time he came to Spain with empty hands.  Queen Isabella of Spain's heavy Maya Hall sees the boy and listens to his dreams.  But Spain is a sixth country, and it is not possible to spend millions of rupees on the words of a stranger.  So he told Columbus to wait.  Columbus also waited patiently.

     It took seven years, one year and two years, for him to file a petition to the Spanish court.  The queen finally lost her mind after giving back continuously.  He assured that Spain would bear all the expenses required for the voyage.

    Patience wins.

    1492 AD on a certain day.  Columbus set sail from Spain with a large crowd.  Nina, Pinta and Santamaria took these three huge merchant ships and sailed west.  For the purpose of Columbus Bharatvarya.  So far his dream has come true.  He has got a rare opportunity to float in the deep sea.  But what will be the last defense?  The queen has so much money, so many people's lives are all in her hands now.  It is not successful only if it can reach India.  As time goes on, the tension in Columbus increases.

     It took two months to see.  There is no sign of land.  The people with him have become increasingly annoyed.  Food stocks are also running out fast.  The sailors hid first, then began to criticize him openly.  He was repeatedly pressured to return to the country.  They said it was too much.  According to Columbus, it was their mistake to come to sea with the inexperienced Lake.  This time it means you can survive if you can return to the country.  Otherwise, everyone, including the ship, will have to starve to death in the middle of the deep sea.  Among these dangers is another new danger.  Some of Columbus's companions died as a result of a long voyage or some other corner.

   This time a line of thought fell on the forehead of Columbus.  Standing on the deck of the ship and staring at the directionless sea, he just seemed to think, but was it all wrong?  Has gone astray.  His journey?  Isn't it right for inexperienced people to take so much risk?

    But the dream of so many years, so much effort, so much money will all be in vain!  A believing sailor came and whispered in Columbus's ear that the sailors were plotting to kill you.  If you want to survive, turn around the ship now.

    Columbus was stunned.  It was not the fear of death but the betrayal and pettiness of man that made him mad.  But no;  He is reluctant to give up.  Let him kill, but he will continue to try in the end.  He came down and tried to seduce the sailors once and for all.  But no, no one is willing to listen to anyone.  Their eyes are shining with vengeance, terror and cruelty.  Columbus called again.  He looked stunned.  Towards the dark sea.

    Of these, 60 days have passed.  Maybe tonight is the last night of life.  Columbus wants to see this beloved world and this beloved sea with all his heart for the last time.  Columbus stood there all night.  Didn't close his eyes for a second.  Gradually it became heavy.  In the eastern sky, a light-colored God has appeared.  Columbus was coming down from the deck bowing for the last time.  But suddenly his eyes got stuck in a scene.  Same!  A broken green lentil!  They are dancing on the head of the waves and are floating on the path of disappearance.

    However, the shore has come close!  But what

    Columbus couldn't believe his eyes.  This time he looked at the horizon with binoculars.  That's it!  That is the vague coastline.  That is the assurance of life, the victory flag of victory.

    At his shout, the sailors and sailors in groups called for the ship and left.  Someone hugged happily.  Someone fell on his feet and started crying and begging for forgiveness.  Columbus did not punish or rebuke anyone.

    In the joy of victory achieved through many hardships, he was then great and generous according to the sky.  That's when he named the island West Indies.  His idea was that he had come to an island in western India.  In fact, it was a place near the Bahamas in the United States.

    Columbus later discovered much of North and South America by exploring Arae several times.

    So the name of Columbus, the poor inexperienced sailor with the American continent, will remain immortal forever and will remain fearless, patient, never give up, shine in the history of people without a hull, Amlan will become a name.

    To be able to lead others, you must be willing to go for ward alone .-- Harry S. Truman
