Masdur Rahman Baidya Success Story | Best Powerful Motivational Success Story In English | Inspirational Stories Of Success

Success story :- This success story written by Jayanti Chakrabarti.English translate by Pallab Mondal.Masdur Rahman Baidya biography.This story revolves around Masdur Rahman Baidya.Masdur Rahman Baidya Life Story in english.We are collected this type success story that revive your lost mind.You get more success story on english in our website. And I think  all success story will take place in your mind.So please share this story to your friends and I sure they will also benefit from this success story.Thank you so much.

 Masdur Rahman

    A wagon is speeding along the steel-bound line, making the sound of ghat ghatang ghat ghatang.  The boy was sitting quietly on a branch of a tree looking at it with a fixed gaze.  Jhakra trees right next to the railway line.  As soon as the car comes close to the tree, it will jump on the roof of the car.  Then you have to come down to the school and take another jump.  This was his plan.  Son of Paragaon.  Stay away from the fear of jumping.

    The boy's school is about 2 km away.  It takes about half an hour to travel every day.  But it was too late to leave the house that day.  So the boy nodded and came up with an idea.  No worries if you can sit on the roof of the wagon once.  You can easily reach 2 km in five minutes.  Time will be saved, there will be no reprimand in school.  Gradually the wagon came very close.  The boy immediately jumped on the roof.  But not being able to keep pace with the speed of the moving vehicle, his foot slipped on the line.  One by one, the wheels of the loaded truck rolled over on its two legs.  After being taken to the hospital, both legs had to be surgically removed from the knee.  The boy became crippled at birth.

    Lame lame boy of poor house.  Everyone said in unison that he would have to beg for the rest of his life.  Yes, by begging because this is how millions of disabled people in India are forced to feed themselves.

   But no. This hero of our story did not want to accept this unseen future at all.  I promised to build a healthy, normal, dignified life, not begging.  Today people all over the world look at him in amazement, in his name.  Cheers.  The victory flag of his country has flown in the heart of the world, that lame-faced country boy of that day.

    You must have recognized the boy by now?  Yes.  Masdur once pointed out to the world that strong will and deep self-confidence are not obstacles in any corner of the world.

    Masdur Rahman Vaidya, when he lost both his legs in an accident as a child, his whole family, including his parents, broke down in despair.  But Masdur himself did not give up.  I think the stubbornness was suppressed.  You have to live healthy, you have to walk normally.  When Lake looks at him with a look of pity, ahare!  Poor lame!  Bale used to show compassion or
When science was piercing the arrow, he felt unlucky to grow up at any time.  The arrogant hand to God for doing this injustice to him.  The world wants to end itself at some point in the subconscious mind.

    At such a time one day Masdur met a man.  He also lost two legs.  Yet he is not a beggar.  Not at the mercy of others.  With his wife and three daughters, he is the sole breadwinner of the family and he is the breadwinner of this large family.  According to five other healthy citizens of the society, he has a respectable normal life.

    Seeing such vivid examples in front of his own eyes, Masdur became excited with new inspiration.  He went to Pune and applied alternative legs.  He dropped the crutch and stood on his feet.  He raised his hands towards the sky and said I can do it, we can do it - we can do it too.  It is very painful at first to try to adapt a fake limb to one's own body.  You have to endure this pain and walk.  Walking little by little, the prosthetic leg became easier with the real foot.

    The same happened in the case of Masdur.  After a lot of pain and practice the alternative leg is properly attached to the body.  And from then on, Masdur Rahman Vaidya's world conquest procession started.

    He loved to play sports from a young age.  After recovering, he started naming small sports competitions.  It was as if he had thrown a difficult challenge at himself.  Let's see if I can, why I can't - I have to.  With this difficult prison, the fake-legged man gave the service to sports fourTinnerst in Barasara.  He won 16 of the 17 events, four of which were swimming events.  On that day, standing on the Victory stamp, in front of the applause of hundreds of spectators, while accepting the award, Masdur made a solemn promise in his mind - swimming, only swimming will be his weapon from now on.  He has to cross the English Channel with this fake leg.  We have to show the people of the world that disability does not mean mercy or hatred.  They can also snatch the honor of the best, they can wear the crown of the winner on their head.

    The beginning is to practice hard as well as try to get sponsors.  We still have to wait for sponsors to go abroad for sports in this unfortunate country.  Leave Shike to someone's fate, don't leave it to anyone's fate.  His talent falls in the bud.

     However, Masdur Rahman's fortunes were somewhat better.  He crossed the English Channel in 1997.  Earlier, in his opinion, he could not cross this dangerous sea canal with a disability.  In 2001, Masdur was crowned with a brilliant feather.  The 32-year-old swam across the Gibraltar Strait in just 4 hours and 20 minutes.  Before that, the swimmer could not get the rare achievement of losing two legs in any other corner of the world.

     At present a film is going to be made about Masdur Rahman.  Under the direction of Director Khaekon Chakraborty.  Name hope.  Masdur Rahman himself is playing the lead role.  The underlying message of this film is that the physically challenged are not a burden to the society and family, but they can prove themselves with a little help or respect.

    The story of this movie shows a woman who has been so oppressed in the society and family for giving birth to a disabled child that she is about to commit suicide in grief and despair.  Masdur Rahman will finally stop her from committing suicide and will also show her disabled child the way to a beautiful life.

   Despite playing the central character of Masdur, Kona is not getting paid for this film.  After watching the movie 'Black' starring Amitabh Bachchan, he felt that such pictures need to be made more and more.  So even in the midst of a thousand engagements, he has taken the time to act.  He is going to present the fairy tale of his impeccable life in front of millions of viewers.  For the purpose of spreading the mantra of Sanjivani without giving up in the hearts of millions of hopeless people.

    A successful man is he who can lay firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him.