Albert Einstein success story | Best poerful motivational success story in english | Inspirational Stories Of Success

Success story :- This success story written by Jayanti Chakrabarti.English translate by Pallab Mondal.Albert Einstein biography.This story revolves around Albert Einstein.Albbert Einstein Life Story in english.We are collected this type success story that revive your lost mind.You get more success story on english in our website. And I think  all success story will take place in your mind.So please share this story to your friends and I sure they will also benefit from this success story.Thank you so much. 

Albert Einstein

      Einstein, the world-famous Nobel laureate scientist, is probably the most controversial, most acclaimed and most condemned man in the world.  People may have to wait another 50/100 years to understand the whole of the theory of relativity that he discovered.  However, all the scientists in the world have unanimously acknowledged that Albert Einstein is the most wonderful genius in the science of the modern world.  And all the thinkers, sensible and well-meaning people of the world have unanimously accepted that one of the best people in the world as a human being was this fearless, calm-minded thinker in a very ordinary simple dress.  At the beginning of his life he had ambition.  Not at the end of life.  Today marks the centenary of Einstein's theory of relativity around the world.  1921  Another groundbreaking discovery - the Nobel Prize for basic research on magnets and electric waves.  In addition, his basic research and discoveries on quantum theory, atomic theory, etc. have shaken the foundations of scientific thought in the world.

     But how did this man know when he was six?  You may not believe it when you hear it - he didn't say a word until he was three years old.  From the age of three, he started talking a little bit, taking a lot of time.  Cut into small pieces.

     His father was an appliance shop owner.  He spent his childhood in a very rented house in Munich, Germany, with his parents, uncle and two-year-old son Bain Mazar.  Extremely poor families are Jewish again.  In Germany, Jews were looked down upon.  He has had to carry this hatred all his life.  Albert often got sick when he was six.  Couldn't go to school.  It felt good.  To spend time at home with everyone in the family.  Mother Pauline played the excellent violin.  The ill-fated, introverted, innocent-natured Albert's mother handed him the instrument at the tender age of six to keep him well.  Didn't feel good at first.  But only to please his mother, his mother, Albert Behala, used to pull a stick on his chest with a six-year-old boy.  It started to get better.  Seven years later, while Matsart was teaching, an amazing thing happened.  Suddenly he wondered what was hidden in the melody of the song in the wonder of mathematical structure.  Since then, the violin has been his lifelong companion.  Later in life, his son Hans wrote of him:  In the extreme moments of grief, humiliation and betrayal, he would immerse himself in the depths of the violin's melody.

     The school boy did not look at the calm and kind boy in the school.  Albert doesn't like anything other than math — he doesn't like to read or listen.

     ‘Backward, stubborn, whimsical.  Nothing will happen to him.

      This was the opinion of his teachers about Albert Einstein.  His father once asked the headmaster about his son's future,

      - Can you tell me which line to give Albert?

       Happy on that line.  Because there will be no problem in any line.  The headmaster replied with a smile.

      Just as the teachers did not like him, he could not bear the heartless behavior of the teachers, the coercive pressure and the harsh words that irritated him.  As in primary school, so in secondary school gymnasium.  In his eyes, the primary teachers are sergeants and the gymnasium teachers are lieutenants.

     This is the student-teacher relationship, but how else to study?  Not at all.  He left school with dust in his father's eyes.  From where did he get a medical certificate - the boy has a severe nervous breakdown.  Want a long rest.

     Diameter!  Correspondence The school authorities gave Albert a TC.  He also breathed his last.  The school also survived.

     Stayed at home.  He used to read general science books from his family friend Max Ptolemy.  And he used to learn arithmetic from the engineer's uncle.  The rest was played and played around

     Dad took me to the polytechnic to be admitted.  But he failed the admission test.  After studying for one year, he was admitted to Zurich Polytechnic College the next year.  Extreme economic recession was going on at this time.  Her father's business is not running.  Albert has no money.  Koneidin half-meal, Koneidin or starvation.  Friends knew that day, they would help themselves with money and food.  Otherwise the remedy.

     Eventually, Albert passed the Polytechnic in Konarkom with his friend Nate.  However, Bakri did not get any job.  These three years, from 1900 to 1902, were marked by extreme poverty and despair.  Einstein.  For example, he has traveled for a job.  But wherever he went, he did not give up.  For one thing, he is Jewish.  Kataba has broken down in despair.  But he did not give up.

     Eventually, with the help of a friend, he got a job as a clerk in a small mine.  In the patent office of the Burn Company.  He got married.  He also has two children.  He became fully involved in the family.  He helps his wife cook all day, works in the office and takes care of the children at home.  He also did tuition in his gap to meet the lack of family.  The usual monotonous life.  There is no difference between an ordinary printing clerk and the most talented scientist in the world.  Einstein.  This went on for eleven consecutive years.

     But he did not give up even after falling into this deep gauze of life.  In 1905, an article was published in a famous German science magazine.  Immediately the eyes of the world's scientific community fell on him.  The search begins: who is this Albert?  Some of the scientists came home and congratulated him.  Scientists in Switzerland offered him a professorship at the University of Bern.  Albert is happy.  But in reality it was seen that the salary of a clerk is much more than the salary of a professor.  So instead of teaching, Einstein stayed in the patent office of the Burn Company as a clerk.

     But he did not give up.  A confidence has developed in him that day.  He wrote one explosive essay after another while pulling the baby's cradle, doing clerical work and reading tuition.  His name spread all over the world.  1910  His name was nominated for the Nobel Prize.

     But alas!  When it is established outside, it is respected - family life is on the verge of collapse.  The world in which he gave up the opportunity of his own pursuit in order to survive, the world in which he sacrificed himself, finally broke up.  He divorced his wife, Mileva.  However, the wise Mileva made a promise to her husband that if Albert really won the Nobel Prize, he would have to pay all his money as compensation.  Einstein accepted his wife's offer.  Seeing the selfish nature of this crew of the world must have hurt his heart.

    But he did not give up.  In 1911, Eta's two sons, a married wife, and a well-to-do housewife left for good and returned to Germany.  In Germany of that anti-Semitism, that hatred and humiliation.

   Einstein drowned in the pursuit of science after taking a job at a university in Germany to deal with the trauma of extreme failure in his personal life.

    But this time another extreme blow came in a completely unexpected way.  Then World War II began.  The German emperor Kaiser wanted to seize Britain in three ways.  He summoned scientists from all over the world.  Scientists will give their brains in exchange for all the benefits of Maeta Maine.  With that, Germany will be ahead of everyone in science, technology and industry.

    Simply put, Albert agreed to the offer.  That was in 1914.  But Einstein soon realized what he had done wrong.  World War I began in 1914, and the brains of the world's best scientists began to be used to kill people indiscriminately.

    Albert, who hated war from birth, who thought it was better to die than to go to war, was considered by the military to be the most heinous, brutal profession in the world.  To become a puppet is in the hands of warlord Germany.

    Just what!  The German royal staff spent the day instructing this self-styled simple scientist on what to wear, what style to walk, and who to talk to.

    Annoyed, the disgraced scientist left everything and went to his mother in Switzerland.  The soft touch of the mother's hand covered the wound of pain.  Einstein stood up again.

    The war must be stopped.  This charity of the powerful must be stopped.  Anyway Hayek.  At this time, the French philosopher and writer Rama Rola was spreading his anti-war propaganda all over the world.  Einstein met him.  He also had long discussions with the world poet Rabindranath.  But he could not do anything.  The war lasted for four years.  Millions of lives were lost.

     1918  When the war stopped, there was huge inflation all over the world.  Everyone's income is reduced to one-twentieth.  Even in the midst of such a horrible situation, the scientist began to write research articles one after another.  He wrote about 30 esoteric theoretical essays on the theory of relativity.

     Einstein wanted to stay in Berlin with his work.  But not.  When Hitler came to power, he started killing Jews indiscriminately.  The price of Einstein's head was announced to be one lakh rupees.  The theory of relativity is nothing.  In fact, it is a Jewish conspiracy.  All of his subject property in Berlin was confiscated.  Sadh's house, garden and laboratory were demolished and mixed with soil by the Nazi forces.  Fearing for his life, the scientist fled Germany in the dark of night.  Even German scientists began to slander him.  He stole his manuscript and published it.  In their own name.  The publication of his book was also banned by Hitler's decree.  A large committee of German scientists, several of whom were Nobel laureates, was formed to continue the campaign against him.

     Einstein was shocked to see the faces of these ferocious envious beasts behind the faces of civilized educated intellectuals.  Lost faith in people.  But he did not give up and did not give up.

     He fled Berlin to America.  From there he fled to Belgium.  Displaced from there and back to America.  In the evenings of life, he is constantly floating from one shore to another, just to find a little rest.  Eventually, he came to the Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton, USA, and found a secluded shelter in his mind.  But in that day, this ever-smiling happy science Tapas is in the body - the mind is devastated, upset.  Just panic and anxiety in the eyes.

    During World War II, he was again arrested.  Shelter in America.  So we have to listen to him.  Until then, everyone knew about Einstein's discovery of nuclear energy.  President Roosevelt asked Einstein for help in building a nuclear bomb.  Einstein may have thought that Hitler's Germany was an acceptable way to wipe out anti-Semitic Germany.  But on that day he did not even dream that all the powerful people in the world are equal in monstrosity - whether it is Germany, Hayek or America.  Roosevelt and Hitler are equal in their arrogance of power and cruelty.

    When the United States dropped its atomic bomb on Hirasima and Nagasaki in Japan in 1945, he cried out in agony, anger, grief and the pain of guilt.  The last point of faith in man was also erased from his mind.

    No, yet he did not leave the helm for the future and sit on the spot.  The remaining ten years of his life he spent all his savings in the service of the poor in the war-torn world.  The monster will do the monster's job.  So the gods will be inactive?  One by one, he sold his manuscripts at auction for billions of dollars and poured them into the war-torn relief fund.  He left almost nothing at the time of his death.