Charlse Darwin success story | Best Motivational success story in english | Inspirational Stories Of Success

Success story :- This success story written by Jayanti Chakrabarti.English translate by Pallab Mondal.Charlse Darwin biography.This story revolves around Charlse Darwin.Charlse Darwin Life Story in english.We are collected this type success story that revive your lost mind.You get more success story on english in our website. And I think  all success story will take place in your mind.So please share this story to your friends and I sure they will also benefit from this success story.Thank you so much.   

Charles Darwin

      How on earth do people live?  This question has been on people's minds for ages.  Somehow people have found the answer.

    But did not receive.

    Charles Darwin was the one who told the right answer to the people, not only did he tell them, but he also called the world's leading scientists and proved that he was right.  Evolutionist inventor.

     He said that life on earth originated from a type of marine unicellular animal called the jellyfish.  Since then, many different species of animals and plants have come into the animal kingdom.  They have improved little by little by constantly adapting themselves to the environment.  Human beings are the last stages of that development.  This theory was called Darwin's Theory of revolution.

    The world's greatest scientist who made such a discovery was astonished to hear that Charles Darwin is but a mouthpiece.  Teachers kicked him out of school.

     Why not?  Charles used to come to school every day and sit quietly on the back bench.  Growing up with friends was not a sport or a gossip.  He would just look out of the window and look at the plants, birds, butterflies and various insects with his eyes wide open.  When the masters asked to read, he would stand silently in the face of danger.  The resulting punishment.  Of course, Charles had no regrets because he had the advantage of being able to see the outside world from afar.

     Gradually the teachers gave up.  Charles also stopped coming to school regularly.  The poor man has to stay in bed sick for half a day.  Reading is not made.  They fall into the same class year after year.  At last the teachers called Charles' parents one day and said what will happen to this boy.  Take it home.  No need to come to school from tomorrow.

     Charles survived.  The parents gave the sick son the freedom to do whatever he wanted without blaming him.

     Charles wanders in the woods all day.  Colorful butterflies, insects and birds are scattered in the fields and forests.  What a strange reptile.  Darwin stared in fascination.  Whatever is strange in his eyes, he brings it home in his pocket.  Put it in a glass jar, a bottle, and a bottle.  Within a few days, his house was filled with a variety of colorful parakeets.  While at home, Darwin stared at a packer in the corner for hours.  Pay attention to Paekata's movements with one mind.  Our friends would laugh and joke when they saw his work, so our Charles would be a great scientist.

    Thus, one year, not two years - twenty-two years passed for Charles.  Reading and writing did nothing.  Twenty-two years have elapsed since he collected animals and insects and ate their movements - sleep, family travel - all of these thorough observations.  At that time people started calling him crazy in secret.

    Such a time suddenly came a great opportunity.  Darwin seemed to be waiting for this in his mind.  A ship called the Beagles set out on a voyage around the world.  Darwin came and grabbed his captain and sat down to take him with him.  You can't pay the rent, but you are willing to work without pay.

    The captain agreed.  For five years he traveled around the world with the Bills.  He wandered in the forests and mountains and started collecting samples of all kinds of animals.  The ship was filled with all kinds of animals.

    After a long five years, Charles returned to the country with this huge number of animals.  Then began his real pursuit.  Day and night he began to observe the details of the life of these newly collected animals in detail, and Maeta began to write down his experiences in a netbook.  Twenty years have passed like this.  Charles has passed his youth by that time.  Old age is killing Uki all over the body.

    After studying animals for fifty long years, Charles began to realize a profound truth.  The fact is that the fauna is constantly fighting for survival in the realm of nature.  If you can't adapt to the environment, you become extinct.  One is a species.  Those who can adapt survive and pass on their traits to future generations.  As long as one species survives, the more sophisticated their lives become and the better their intelligence.  This is how apes came from apes and humans evolved from apes.  Maybe in the distant future these people will follow the trend of evolution and take another look.  They will be advanced creatures.

    The people of the world were amazed to hear these words from Darwin and to judge the results of his research.  A schoolboy by the name of Charles, a faceless boy whose head had all the secrets hidden in it — did his teachers know that day?  If he knew, he would say: Kisyu will not be by him?

    Those who do not give up easily, know how to run towards their goal by despising everything, condemnation, praise, criticism of people, do not get tired of anything, there is no question that it is impossible for them.

      One single ideal can transform a list less soul into a towering man.
